
Friday, April 10, 2009

A Buffy Movie?...

My buddy Wonder Man got me all excited this week by REPORTING that Sarah Michelle Gellar has been in talks to reprise her role as Buffy The Vampire Slayer - in a movie. If this is true, I will be the happiest bitch on the planet.

I LIVED for Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the TV series - not the original movie) and its' spinoff, Angel. Oh PLEASE let this be true! This is one movie I would actually go to a movie theater to see.

Dlisted is REPORTING today that S.M.G. and cute Papihubby Freddie Prinz, Jr. (below) are expecting a baby - which could complicate movie production.


  1. If they were to make a Buffy Movie with SMG I'd probably cream my jeans. Over and over and over again! I'm with you on this one!!

  2. Did they alreay do a Buffy movie? I mean this one would be with Sarah Michelle Gellar, but the tv show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer was based off of a movie written by Joss Wheadon or somebody like that.

  3. I loved that show! A movie would be so much fun. They need to get Spike and Angel and the rest of the gang signed up for it too.

    I remember the original Buffy movie. God knows, anything can be remade in Hollywood.

  4. it would be in their best interest if they wait until she has the baby...

  5. I could go to heaven after seeing a "Buffy" movie, and hopefully my friends won't think I'm in hell and cast a spell to bring me back. ;) … But, yeah, I'd much rather them wait until after the baby is born, rather than rush it.

  6. I'm effin' flapping my hands and bouncing in my seat over here! I NEEEEED A Buffy fix.
