
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cheesy Kitteh

I know I've been posting a lot about Oscar, but he has been providing a lot of material lately. Over the weekend, he discovered fat-free cream cheese. When his face emerged from the mostly-empty plastic container, his whiskers and face had cream cheese all over...


  1. That second picture, where he has kind of a Sarah Palin wink thing going on, is hysterical!

  2. and look at his smug little face!!!

    "Fat free???? FAT FREE??? you give me fat free cream cheese....oh the horrors of it all."


  3. Kitties LOVE the cream cheese. My kids have to guard their bagels at all times......and that reminds me, my friend had a cat that loved Doritoes. Weird?!

  4. Rosie Labrador will lick the cream cheese off a bagel if it is in reach. nom, nom, nom.

  5. I am so missing my cats! Oscar looks adorable man! Aren't they such a joy to existence?

  6. Those pix are funny!

    My Mom's cat looooves gummi bears. He can smell them from a mile away.

  7. Once in a blue moon, I will give Angus a half bagel with cream cheese and peanut butter on it. He thinks he's in heaven when he sees me coming.

    Oscar makes me want a kitty.

  8. Is that a sneer I see on Oscar's face? I think it is!

    Our cat Sheeba loves to lick plastic. ??? We don't understand it, either, but then cats have no desire or need to be understood. :)

    Hugs, Beth

  9. I swear that look on his face so reminds me of the constant disapproval I get from Timon, my brooding teenaged son. I look at him, and he is either rolling his eyes or glaring in my direction. LOL

  10. I nominate Oscar for an.. Oscar as cutest kitty in a leading role :) XOXO V
