
Monday, April 13, 2009

Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend: May 29/30/31

Dust Bunnies Take Manhattan!

I have heard from a few of you who are thinking about joining our little Dust Bunny gang on Saturday, May 30th. It will be a ton of fun - you should all think about coming to NYC that weekend. I may even shovel out my apartment and invite you all over for cocktails...

If you can make it to NYC the weekend AFTER Memorial Day (May 29-31), send me an email ( and I'll keep you posted about our plans.

In addition to drinking, I think we we should definitely take a subway trip out to Queens and visit my favorite restaurant...


  1. I love me some Arby's, but when I fly to NYC to meet Lord God King Bunny, I plan to have a better meal than a super with potato cakes (my treat!) Pencil me in, I'm gonna work on a travel companion or two. Where should I plan to stay? Times Square?

  2. Su-weet! Am so there.

    (Who would not be there after seeing the pic of the bunny with the Canadian Club??)

  3. Who could resist this offer? I just might be there, so tempting.

  4. Sounds like a big weekend to me. I am so there, and will help with the shoveling, or, rather, the cleaning if need be.

  5. Don't forget the bacon sandwiches for breakfast after those nights of drinking!

  6. oh I wanna come so bad...(who doesn't?!)

    that weekend will be a RIOT!!!

  7. I think I may need to post one of the kids on Craig's list so that I can buy a plane ticket!

  8. YAY!!! A Dust Bunny Convention!

    I am so excited I'm about to pee myself.
