
Saturday, April 4, 2009

I Hope This Isn't True

Blogging Project Runway is reporting that Project Runway Season 6 will premiere on August 15th (according to Harvey Weinstein). Before you start rejoicing, please note that August 15th is a SATURDAY. There goes the gay viewership.

Is Harvey Weinstein (above) TRYING to destroy Project Runway?? I have news for you: I may not have much of a social life but I'll be DAMNED if I'm staying home on Saturday night and watching Project Runway. Let alone take notes so I can recap that bitch.

Check out the post from Blogging Project Runway HERE. Weinstein made his comment on Ryan Gaycrest's radio show ... so let's hope Harvey misspoke. Gaycrest was probably giving him the "let's do it" eyes, and Big Daddy Weinstein might have gotten nervous.


  1. Agreed. I am not a party animal by any means, but there is no way I will be waiting around to watch PR on a Saturday night! Plus, I don't have Tivo or any DVR technology so unless it is posted on the interwebs, I probably wouldn't watch it at all. Hopefully he misspoke, because this is a horrible move, especially after all the drama they went through to make the switch to Lifetime happen!

  2. We, on the other hand, are old fuddy duddies, and will be home most Saturday nights. Maybe Gorilla Boy could work some magic with our recording option on our satellite box and we could zip it over on a Sunday morning. Will consult with him when he gets home from school. Not sure what show ever did well on a Saturday night?

  3. Uh, yeah, this queen don't do Saturday night TV!!!

    Not even, sorry to say, for Runway!

  4. David, dear ... did you ever hear of this new thing they invented called TiVo???

  5. Dearest Anonymous -

    Yes, I've heard of it. Are YOU going to pay my cable bill, BITCH??

    I didn't think so.

    Fuck off.

  6. OK, I am just boring enough to say I never go out on Saturday nights because it interferes with my watching of Torchwood, which returns this summer. Sad, but true.

  7. I wonder what's really going on with Harvey Weinstein. There seems to be more to all this than I know about.

  8. I hate to admit it but I think I'm kinda glad I'll have something to do on Saturday nights now!
