
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Leanne "Feels Sorry" For Kenley

The New York Post is still covering the Assault With A Deadly Pussay case involving Project Runway's Mistress of Stank - Kenley Collins (below, with her packed bag) - and her former boyfriend. But the newspaper buried the BIG revelation in yesterday's STORY about the breakup.

It turns out that Leanne Marshall, the winner of Project Runway Season 5 (top), has no problem anymore telling it like it T-I-IS about Stankley...
"This should put a clear answer to the question I am most frequently asked, 'Was Kenley really that awful, or was she just edited like that?' " Marshall told the Post. "When she got angry, I knew to keep my distance. Clearly, she needs therapy."

Oh Snap!!!

Source: Project Rungay.


  1. I had a cat named Arlo, too. That's an unhinged person who would throw a cat at someone!

    She broke up with him because he wanted to travel and she wanted to stay in NY!! Love what Leanne said!

  2. Leanne is pretty much on the money on this one, that is sure.
