
Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday Weigh-In

I had a pretty good week health-wise: I walked home from work every day and did my dance/exercise thing on Saturday and Sunday at my apartment. I did have a few slip-ups on the diet (I caved in and ordered Chinese food once) but I did my best to stay within my Weight Watchers point limit.

My efforts definitely paid off, because I lost 6 pounds! Now keep in mind that I’m still RE-losing the 25 pounds I lost last year (and gained back this year) – but after 2 weeks I’m already halfway there.

My next goal is to get back to the gym…


  1. David Dust (I love alliteration!) Congratulations on your six pound loss. My secret is a bowl of a low fat cereal with skim milk for breakfast and then another serving of the same for either lunch or dinner. Plus, it DOES keep you regular as well! Just ran into your blog, and I love supporting fellow New Yawkers.

  2. Welcome Kyle!

    I have a bowl of cereal (with non-fat milk) every morning. Sometimes with a cut-up banana. Delish.

    Thanks for the encouragement.


  3. Good job!
    I think walking is the best exercise and, as you showed us last week, you see all sorts of things and people on the walk, so you forget it's exercise!
    And, I think, you're allowed Chinese food every so often; if you said No to it all the time, you'd be constantly thinking about it and going Moo Goo Gai Mad.
    Moderation, mr friend, moderation!!


  4. This the problems with the mens. They decide to go on a diet and the weigh comes off in 6lb allotments. This RARELY happens with the womens.
    I will still love the mens but sometimes...

  5. Congrats on the good work! And having it pay off.

  6. DAMN GIRL!!! SIX POUNDS???! out Miss Thang!!!

  7. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaApril 6, 2009 at 1:43 PM

    Congrats David!

    Just keep consistent with the steps you are taking...

  8. Fabulous! See what you can do when you put your mind to it?

  9. What FP said for sure!!

    Love your walks! Love your dedication! Way to go!


  10. There is no such thing as re-losing. You lost 6 pounds, this is fantastic! Keep it up and remember that a moderate indulgence is fine.

  11. Fantastic job David! :-)

    LOL frogponder! So true, so true.

  12. congrats, congrats!
    xoxox ~shirlsd

  13. Great week, David! Congrats on not beating yourself up about the Chinese food. Moderation, not deprivation, does the trick.
