
Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Weigh-In

I didn't have a very good week diet and fitness-wise. The previous week was phenomenal - I lost 6 lbs. - so this week I kept allowing myself to cheat for just "one more day". I kept thinking I could make up for it by the time "Weigh-In" came around, but I was wrong.

Well, Weigh-In day is here, and I ended up gaining 2 pounds last week. I'm surprised it wasn't more since I am fighting a cold and I had to deal with some dating-related rejection last week. I know those are just excuses, so it's time to get off my butt and do better this week. Wish me luck...


  1. Around here someone has to hide the damn Easter candy!!!!!
    It's a new week right? We will do better :-)

  2. Keep going, David. You can do it. And frankly, if romantic rejection was involved, I'm in awe that you did as well as you did. We all know how that makes us eat.

    This week will be better on every front!

  3. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaApril 13, 2009 at 11:49 AM

    At least you know what works for losing the lbs, and can try to keep on track. Colds and illness suck, but be wary of emotional eating.

    By the way, keep on walking - people who walk a lot have better looking asses. So keep on walkin' and hopefully that will help in the dating department as well.


  4. Good luck, baby! You can do it if you set your mind to it!

  5. Sending a terrorist fist-bump your way, darling. It's a bitch - not going to happen overnight. You know all that--hang in there.


  6. Just keep in mind this is but a single stop on a trip, and it isn't the express train. Some congestion might slow it up, but you can still get to the destination in the end. So hang in there, put on the iPod and take the walk home to help clear the mind.


  7. Hang in there David. Bitch, I know you can do it!!!! Just keep thinking "beach season is coming, beach season is coming"....

    That's my inspiration on this end. I'm in it right there wit' brutha!

  8. Keep going, David. Yes you can!!

  9. Love you! Love your Hare!!


  10. You can do it DD :) I know you can XOXO Vavi

  11. I lost some more last week after being stuck at the same weight for the past few weeks. You can do it!

  12. Two steps forward and one step back. I know this dance very, very well. The best thing is that you know what's going wrong. So much better than "I don't know why I'm gaining weight!"

    Do I need to come over there and kick some rejector butt? 'Cause I could totally do that.

  13. Emotions can be a real diet killer! But you can do this. Keep up your walking home from work, and your dancing in the apt. I have faith in you!


  14. you can do it! keep on!
    xoxox - shirl
