
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Play Ball!

I LOVE baseball season - and I root for both New York teams. This year both teams will debut shiny new stadiums (thanks to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani). The new Yankee Stadium opens tomorrow, and opening day at Citi Field (the new Mets stadium) is April 13. Play ball!!


  1. Beth <-- Cubs fan

    [ducking and running]

    Don't hate me! :)

  2. who is the nelly in the last pic. omg that is funny. citi? how much money did they get from the bailout? Go Astros!!!

  3. Go Red Sox! ;) I am so excited! Opening Day is April 6th for us. We are playing Tamba Bay, should be some tension with the addition of Rocco Baldelli on our side ( cutie seen here: ) which will make for good baseball!

    The season can't come soon enough for me! The Yanks are playing Oakland for their second series at home, should be an interesting series with the return of Giambi to the new NYY stadium.

  4. Cubs and Astros fans I can deal with ... but the hated BOSTON RED SOX?!?

    Polkadotoes, my darling, it took everything I had not to hit the "Reject" button for a comment that started with "Go Red Sox!". :)


  5. OHMYGOD!!!!! How funny are these pictures!!! the guy grgabbing the crotch of the other guy? and that guy in the last picture!!!! Tooooo funny!


  6. I'm not much of an athletic supporter myself. ;-)
