
Friday, May 22, 2009

Apology Accepted

If you've read my blog this week, you might remember an email I received from a former "Daddy of the Day". This gentleman asked that his pictures be removed because of the "gay" content on DavidDust.

I took his pictures down, but then I published his unkind email - and even gave a link to his Facebook page. Well, a little while ago he sent me a very nice apology - and he cited at least one of your messages as making him reconsider and rethink his position.

I am not going to share his exact words (they are between us), but I will say that I believe his apology came from the heart. It was not one of those "I'm sorry if I offended you" half-assed things. It takes a truly mature person (a real "man", so to speak) to send the email he sent to me. His apology was also NOT career-motivated - you'll just have to trust me on that one.

I apologized to HIM for trying to get revenge. And even though he did not ask me to, I have taken down both old posts. It felt like the right thing to do.

Apology accepted, sir. And please accept my apology to you for being a petty little beeyotch. Sometimes us Gays can be tempermental. Just kidding!!! :)


  1. You could have chosen the high road from the start, but it wouldn't have led to this former DOTD to actually THINK about what he was saying.

    THINKING may not have changed his mind, but it opened his mind.

    Sometimes the Bitch Boulevard is the road to take.


  2. This is nice. As you know, I had a similar experience recently. Miss Manners and my mother would feel better about us now.

  3. why would you apologize david? or, more to the point: there's nothing wrong w/ apologizing, but why not update old posts w/ the new info instead of deleting them?

  4. I can't imagine what he said to you that promtpted such a complete 360. Or what your reader said to him that changed his mind.
    He wasn't my type anyway!

  5. It is not easy to be a big man, but both of you are. Class out shines any of the words that were uttered.
    This is all very cool.

    LB Anon

  6. Yay! I love it when folk get together in understanding :-)

  7. I like the fact that you can accept an apology and move on. I hold a grudge (just a bitchy sorority girl thing). Once more you have proven yourself to be a real man. Happy Friday!

  8. This is great. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!

  9. That was really nice to hear. Sometimes a little civil discourse can work wonders! XO Beth

  10. You are a class act, sugar. I'm glad this young man had the balls to apologize.

  11. I'm sorry, for the life of me. I havent figured out who it was. So are you going to put his pixs back up? This sounds about like when Bill apologized for sticki er eh never mind.
    David, I would have told him to kiss my ass. Apologize? Biatch please.

  12. FYI -

    I apologized because I felt it was the right thing to do - based upon our private email conversations.

    We will be seeing his pictures again tomorrow.


  13. How nice that he sincerely apologized, and that you recognized his sincerity and accepted it. I'm smiling!

  14. That's awesome. I love the he came back to read what was said, and that something one of us said (not me, because my rude ass sure the hell wasn't nice) made a difference and actually made him change is opinion.

    I think we all need to maybe remember to be a little nicer to the straight folks. We might get a few more on our side if we do.

  15. I don't think it was about revenge...if you hadn't call him out he wouldn't have seen the error of his action...

  16. You were both BIG MEN & I think you handled the situation pefectly...for a big old "MO"!

  17. no, not "us gays", YOU can be tempermental!
