
Monday, May 25, 2009

Day Of Decision - Tomorrow

The California Supreme Court will announce it's decision tomorrow regarding Proposition 8. If the court rejects Proposition 8 and says that California same-sex couples are entitled to the marriage rights that heterosexual couples already have - then there will be celebrations nationwide. If the court upholds Prop 8, there will be protests instead. Go HERE to find out where the celebration/protest near you will be.

In NYC, we will gather at Sheridan Square (in front of the historic Stonewall Inn) at 6:00 pm - and march to Union Square. Since my job is just steps away from Sheridan Square, I plan on joining the masses after work.


  1. In Long Beach, they do not have a specific day or date yet???? But will check back with the locals to see what is happening.

    Let's hope the Calif. Court is not as screwed up as our Calif. budget....
    Arnold is a terminator all right.

    LB Anon

  2. I'll be with you in spirit!

  3. I heard it will be at 10am, PST. I will be at work. I might have Daughter send me a text message...
    If it goes wrong, people will be angry and crowds can be dangerous. BE careful!

  4. I believe that Prop 48 will be shot down. Give the recent momentum building in similar progressive states it won't be upheld.

  5. I'm waiting, on pins and needles to hear, praying that this ridiculous piece of hatred gets shot down!
