
Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Fashion Show - Tonight on Bravo

As I told you earlier, I will be recapping The Fashion Show - which premieres tonight at 10:00 PM (EST) on Bravo. It looks REALLY fun - so let's see what happens. One fashiontestant in particular, Merlin (below), seems like a TRIP.

Check out some preview videos from Blogging Bravo HERE.

In addition to Merlin, underwear designer Andrew Christian (below, middle) competes on the show. Andrew likes to refer to himself as "The Panty Christ" ... wait until the religious right hears about THAT. Check out his website HERE.

I don't know if I'll be able to post my recap during the day tomorrow, but it will definitely be finished before I go to bed on Friday night.


  1. I'm ready for it! Hope to be home in time to see it after this banquet I'm attending but set the DVR so I'll watch it.

    Oh, btw, I checked out your street and nearby ones on Google Maps where I can see buildings and all. I'll be asking you about some of those places near you like the fruit and vegetable place and some other places.

  2. We are sooooooo ready for it! Eldest is home for a couple days and we're making him watch it too!

  3. David- At the present I am without TV, but I still luv your recaps and your sense of humor. I was thinking that with 170 known followers and those of us who "lurk", if we each sent you $2.00, you could buy yourself a good and well deserved DVR. Also, what about Arby's? After all the freebee advertising you have provided them, they should just give you a DVR. Which brings me to ads in general....I do enjoy Tom & Lorenzo, but your take on things just makes me laugh more and I guess they are now full time bloggers and are able to do that with the ad revenue they are generating. But, I still think we could all chip in the 2 bucks to thank you for all your time and effort you put in to make us laugh in this sometimes not so joyful world and you do this everyday. Come on people, we can make it happen, WE CAN DO IT!!!
    LB anon
