
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Goodbye Butt Hole Road...

...wasn't that the name of an Elton John song?

Anywhore, the residents of Conisbrough, South Yorkshire, UK have given up the Butt Hole. Actually, they have changed the name of their not-so-beloved "Butt Hole Road" to "Archers Way". Residents grew weary of people pulling up to the sign and dropping trou for photos, and they were also tired of delivery and customer service people not believing they actually lived on a road called "Butt Hole". What a bunch of quitters. More from Towleroad HERE.


  1. Butt Hole Road. Reminds me of the expression, "Sometimes the road is less traveled for a reason."

  2. Those people have no sense of humour!!

  3. I used to know a drag queen named "Butt Hole Rhodes!"

  4. Wonder who on earth came up with the name for that road ... and why. Such jokers, those guys!
