
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Make Me A Supermodel - All Male Finale

I only saw the last few minutes of Make Me A Supermodel, but I felt so bad for Mountaha (above) - who was sent home. I think that of all the models this season, she improved the most. And that bitch was FIERCE on the runway

So this means it will only be boys in the final...

Did you see the show last night? What did you think?

In other reality show news: I must tell you how absolutely thrilled I am to NOT be watching The Fashion NO tonight. Seriously, I would rather be doing anything else than watching that mess...


  1. I felt so bad for her. But I did not know which boy that I would have wanted sent home. The Fashion Show might be better tonight because it is individual outfits (maybe). You told me to give it a chance?!

  2. I was intirgued by Mountaha-hahahahaha's breakdown. It was a bit over-the-top. But I do think Brandon should have gone; he's just a child, in all senses of the word.

  3. I missed it....again. I always catch the rerun. I liked "Mountain" but I liked "Salami" more...but ya, that girl could WALK!

    Jonathon will probably win it, cuz "he has a wife and a baby boy to support".

    TOMORROW!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

  4. I thought all along it would come down to Sandhurst and Johnathan. Now I think that Branden is going to win. I felt bad for Mountaha last night. She really wanted to win.

  5. I watched MMaS last night, and was a little surprised that Branden was kept.

  6. I felt sorry for Mountaha because she had done so well up to that point. I don't get the fascination with Branden at all. He justs does nothing for me. I hope Jonathan wins but even if he doesn't the guy will have a successful career. All he'll ever have to do is show potential clients that picture of him with the horses and they'll be all over him.

  7. I looked at the description of Fashion Show and they have to design a print for an eco-friendly shoe company??

    Huh? First off fashion, in and of itself, is not eco-friendly. We should all live in little Mao suits and eschew multiple colorful garments. We could get along with 10% of our clothes. Second - all industry has eco-consequences and do women really need six inch heels made out of soy beans?

    And a print. For shoes. Going to be, what, 1/2 across? How is this going to look on the runway?

    I'm not ready to give up. Yet. But they are testing my last nerve.

  8. i thought that the block-o-wood (also known as brandon) should've gotten sent home... his runway was blah and so were his pics. i like mountaha (i preferred "the fat girl" salomie, tho) and she did improve the most and was the fiercest overall, both in this challenge and in the course of the competition.

  9. I'm glad it's down to those three. Salami had a killer shot at beating Montana, but Booru et. al thought otherwise. Branden, god bless his adorably hot self, will come in a respectable 3rd. Still so young & has much more to learn & offer. Sandhurst is great too, but Jonathan's got an overall star package. It's the Brit's year to win it.

    I'm SO glad you're not watching The Fashion No tonight. Enjoy a non-crap-filled evening.

  10. I agree with much of what has already been said. I was surprised Mountaha was sent packing, but even more surprised by her snot and bugger breakdown. Branden is so immature and so inappropriate at times. He needs to go. So that leaves Sanhurst (who was a disappointment last night) and Jonathon. I say give it to Jonathon so he can take care of his family for pete's sake and we can stop hearing about it. He looks more like a model anyway.

  11. There was a smugness factor to Mountaha that didn't set well with me. Last night, I could have lost either her or Brandon. But I just really wish the lovely Jonathan the best. My heart isn't in it this year, still lamenting Ronnie not winning last season, among other things.

  12. Branden definitely should have gone home. I think Ms. Malandrino used her powers to send home Mountaha because she was "embarassed" by the way she walked her dress down the runway. I think they all have this weird fascination with Branden, but he needs to more time to mature and just putting on a suit does not make him change from a boy to a man. I also think Tyson had some input because of his desire for a guy to win this season.

    I don't think I will be tuning in to the Fashion NO either. It just really hasn't gotten any better and none of the contestants really pull me in. Especially with all their whining about not knowing how to sew, blech.

  13. It was a good episode and I think they made the right choice, I was glad to see her go. IMO, she was a two faced lil bitch, and that lil crying thing at the end was just a lil much..I mean come on!

    I actually think Brandon has improved more than she has, so I'm glad he got to stay.

  14. At least they are designing individually on the Fashion Fail Show. I don't like these contestants who were supposed to be professionals, but so far I'm enjoying it more than I have been. I said I'd keep watching and here I am. Mostly for Isaac.

    The shoes were the quickfire or whatever they call that first part. They chose shoes to inspire a design for the runway from high fashion designers.

  15. Boring Brandon should have been sent home. I predicted that the final 3 would be Sandhurst (yum!), Jonathan and Mountaha. Boy am I disappointed. hmpf. I WANT Sandhurst to win, but (unfortunately?) I think it will be Jonathan, since Tyson seems to have such a man-crush on him. OK Sure, the British J-kid ain't bad to look at, but daaaaaaamn Sandhurst is dripping in gorgeous-sexiness!
    Did I just reveal TMI?
