
Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday Weigh-In

Since last Monday I've lost 7 pounds! Although I am thrilled to death, I could have lost more if I hadn't indulged over the weekend. Oh well. Hopefully this trend will continue up through the DDBW (Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend - thanks Mark in DE) and beyond.

Speaking of DDBW, here are the confirmed attendies: Zombie Mom, Kailyn, TrannyBeth, Miss Ginger Grant, Maddie and the BoyToy, Mark in DE and Spouse, and Dust Bunny Howard. Others are still on the fence, and I encourage them to make their reservations now. If you need any hotel advice, or need somebody to meet you at the airport - please let me know. I plan on taking Thursday through Monday off from work, so I'm available. GOODNESS KNOWS ... I'm available. I practically have "available" written on my forehead.

The only two "official" events so far are a cocktail party at the gal's suite in the Sofitel on Friday night, and the First Annual Drunken Dust Bunny Bar Tour on Saturday. I would love to get a gang up to the Bronx Zoo one afternoon, and of course a field trip to Arby's in Queens MUST happen. I haven't had an Arby's roast beef sandwich since I was in Pennsylvania for Christmas!!

Also, if you are a New Yorker who reads DavidDust - PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE BAR TOUR! I will provide you with the meeting time and place - and anyone and everyone is welcome to join us. The more the merrier. Even if you aren't a blogger and have never left a comment, we'd love to meet you. And most of us don't bite ... except for Maddie. :)

>P, b.


  1. YAY! I just jumped up and down a bunch of times, I'm so excited for you, and you bet your ass I'm logging that as exercise on my SP page.

    You need to assign photography duties now, so there are tons of pictures to post!

  2. Yeah! (Still have a green moment for men and weight loss, sigh...) Go, go, go!!


    tranny, after the weekend I just had, I cannot WAIT to get my fat ass to NYC!!! And arby's better watch out!!! Cuz a SUPER ROAST BEEF is callin my name!!!!

    I love you! and you go with your bad self for losing SEVEN pounds!!!!


  4. LB Anon thinks you look fab right now, but big Congrats on the super weight loss. I have been clicking my flip-flops together in hopes I will be transported to NY, but does not seem to do the trick (OK, no sly comments about doing tricks)!!!!

    Hi to Mom and Hug for Oscar!!!


  5. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaMay 4, 2009 at 4:23 PM

    Good job on the 7 lbs., David!

    Wish I could make it, but too many responsibilities at home at that time.

    One thing that makes me laugh though, and this was prompted by your pic of a bunny with the Labatt's:

    If real bunnies have a reputation for getting some action, I cannot imagine what a group of DDBs can accomplish....


  6. YAY, Congratulations! Keep it Up!

  7. I'm so happy for you! That's wonderful--keep going!

  8. your bunny is on a labatical. that's hottt!!!!

    i so wish i could go but that's graduation/ finals week for the 8th grade and we are already hideously, ridiculously, chronically understaffed!


  9. CONGRATS on the weight loss! You can do ANYTHING you want when you put your mind to it.

    I am SO psyched about our NYC trip and meeting everyone for the DDBW. I even bought a new shirt for Sat's old school gay bar crawl.
