
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ninth Avenue International Food Festival

There weren't just HOTTIES at the Ninth Avenue Food Festival yesterday, there was actually FOOD there too! Before I left my apartment, I crawled out onto the fire escape - which looks out onto 9th Ave - to see how the crowds were ...

So down the steps I went. This is a picture of what it looked like directly in front of my building (I took this picture from my hallway). YES, there were funnel cakes directly outside my door...

One of my faves was across the street, Kettle Korn. Mmmmmmmm...

[ my best Mike Myers/Linda Richman voice...] "Noo Yawk Egg Creams contain neither eggs nor cream ... Discuss..."

There were a couple "Southern" pie stands. I'm not a big pie person, but they looked delish, and the prices seemed reasonable for NYC...

These "French Crepes" places are at every street fair in the city. I think they sell more lemonade than they do crepes.

Typical New York: the German food stand ("New York's WORST Pushcart") beside the Brazilian Rice N' Beans stand...

The Poseidon Bakery has been open since 1923 and is legendary. So legendary, that owner Lili Fable once appeared on Martha Stewart's show and did a phyllo segment. I remember watching and yelling - "I KNOW WHO THAT IS"! BTW, that's fierce Lili in the teal sweater below - dishing out the Baklava...

Dalton's Bar does a Pig Roast, where Porky Pig...

...becomes a Swine Flu Sandwich. I had TWO and they were delish!!!

And if you bitches think I'm weighing-in tomorrow, ya'll are OUT OF YOUR MINDS!


  1. Girl- well it looks like we both fell off the wagon then,because I said I woundn't drink this weekend either! Oy! The hangover.

  2. I can practically smell all that delicious food! I don't blame you...I'd wait a couple of days for weigh-in, too! XO

  3. Heaven is having a funnel cake outside your front door!

  4. All that food wouldn't stand a chance with me.

  5. Yeah, uh, I kinda fell off the wagon, too! 6-ish beers, I think.
    And I KNOW you didn't make it very far past the BRAZILIAN rice and beans cart!
    By the way, wasn't the NYC AIDS Walk today?
    Pinkie swear: you, Maddie, and me are gonna be good up until Dustwall 2009!!! Then all bets are off!!! Then, we're gonna be good again!

  6. oooooo yummm! That looks so good! We would have no fun if we all didn't get to indulge once in a while. Enjoy, it all sounds delicious!

  7. OMG, that looks delicious! I'm gaining weight just looking at the photos...
