
Monday, May 4, 2009

Oh HELL No...

This is an artist's rendition of the glass observation ledge being built on the 103rd floor of the Sears/Willis Tower in Chicago. See the story HERE (h/t to Joe.My.God).

I don't care if you offered me a dream date with Franky G or a lifetime supply of Arby's Roast Beef, I would NEVER go out on that thing. I am afraid of heights, although it's OK if they let you stand behind some big strong stone wall. But standing on GLASS?? No thank you...


  1. That freaks me out just looking at the picture!

  2. I would be hanging on to the opposite wall with you!!!

  3. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaMay 4, 2009 at 4:12 PM

    Honey, I almost fainted from vertigo when I was on the OLD observation deck looking at a helicopter passing below me.

    And when did it become the Sears/WILLIS Tower?

    No matter, because I'm more concerned with Michigan Avenue and Ukrainian Town when I am there....

  4. What you talkin' bout Willis?

  5. Mame, I 'll be right there with you. I don't mind heights but I'll be damn I walk out there on that thing. What happens if I have the extra cheese stick and there happens to be a hairline crack?

  6. I only at that photo for a 2 seconds and had to look away. I have a deep fear of heights!

  7. Oh, hell to the no!!! This would be one screaming queen if you tried to push me out on that thing!

  8. In "The Windy City"? They better have a harness and heavy cable strapped to their backs. The glass is the least of the worries.

  9. I'm with you, David... safely INSIDE the skyscraper.

  10. I don't have a fear of heights, but I do have a fear of falling, so no way would I ever walk on a glass floor! I can't even walk on the glass block second floor walkways at the local shopping mall!

