
Monday, June 1, 2009

Another Hero Affected By DADT

Don't Ask, Don't Tell is just plain WRONG. The only thing DADT does is end the careers of badly-needed, hard-working military personnel - for no other reason than they happen to be gay or lesbian.

Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach played by the rules. He DID NOT tell - and kept his mouth shut about being gay. And he did so while collecting medal after medal in his exemplary 18-year Air Force career. But SOMEONE ELSE told his superiors that he was gay - and therefore LTC Ferhrenbach is being forced out of a job he loves, and is extremely good at.

Furthermore, it is estimated that the United States Air Force invested about $25 million dollars into his training and career - an investment that gets flushed down the toilet because of this hero's sexuality. That is insanity.

Thanks to Kanani for keeping me in the loop about LTC Ferhenbach. See her initial blog post HERE and find out what you can do to assist LTC Ferhenbach HERE.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell must end ... now.


  1. How very sad and how very wrong! Thanks for the links!

  2. i just saw this on the news at the airport...yes, I am still at the akron airport waiting for come get me!!! Oh well, i guess i can't expect the same service at home that i got in NYC, huh?

    this guy was a faithful servant to the USA for 18years and now he's just ...done???? that is SO not right! I'm gonna have to cut a bitch!!! ;) ahhhh, get rid of the "queen" talk and get back to my normal self, however normal that may be!!


  3. Thanks for mentioning this on your blog, David.

    And may I just mention the white elephant? DAMN, he is fine.

  4. I wrote my Senators, and the VP - hell, I voted for him for years as my Senator - and hope there is something that can convince me that there is change I can believe in.

  5. TrannyBeth - You will never be the same again.

    Kanani - That's White MEAT Elephant! And he is certainly fine!!!! Thanks so much for keeping us in the loop.

  6. I wrote about him on my blog as well.
    It makes no sense.
    He wants to serve; he's great at it.
    Who cares about his sexual orientation?
    This is just wrong, as you said.

  7. Yeah, David. I figured I'd have to scoop you off the floor. Now, let's go run and get in shape like the good colonel.

  8. Howard,
    Don't forget to send a FAX to the senate armed forces committee. They're the ones that do all the ground work on anything having to do with military issues. They don't have a group email, and this will make it so you don't have to send copies to all of the committee members.

  9. (I love it. Dust Bunnies take Capitol Hill).

  10. This is a travesty. Whoever told on him deserves a serious ass-whuppin' immediately. I'll have to do my part to keep this from ever happening again.

  11. TrannyBeth: before I read David's comment I was going to comment the EXACT SAME THING! Our diabolic plot has worked! You are not one of us! You are no longer a simple, Ohio housewife and Mom- you are now a CleverFag!!!

  12. hopefully things will change soon

  13. And when it ends (and it will), they need to let them back into the military if they want to return with back pay and full benefits.

  14. This is truly sad, and completely archaic. Other "lesser" countries allow out GLBT people to serve in the military, but the USA - the 'leader of the free world - will kick someone out on rumors.
