
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bad Times For Magazines

Now is NOT the time to be working in print media. Vibe magazine is the latest title to cease publication - announcing today it will do so "immediately".

In other magazine news, NYC gay bar rag HX magazine (and the HX website) was sold due to the financial instability of parent company HX Media. The new owners of HX will make a statement about their plans for the publication/website soon.

I never really read Vibe, but I was a devout reader of HX Magazine. When I started visiting NYC (from PA), the FIRST thing I tried to do was locate a copy of HX so I could find out what was happening in the club scene. HX started out as a pamphlet (called "Homo Xtra") as a way for party promoter Mark Berkley (and his business partner Matthew Bank) to promote parties at Limelight and other clubs. Soon Homo Xtra added listings for other gay clubs/bars and various places of interest, becoming HX - a must-read for club-loving gays (like me at the time).

With the popularity of the internet, do magazines stand a chance anymore? What magazines do you guys subscribe to and/or read? I think I only subscribe to Vanity Fair now ...


  1. Did you read the big Palin article in Vanity Fair? Whew, talk about a bitch on wheels! Verrrrry interesting stuff. I read it online, I don't subscribe.

    We still get several mags: Time, Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, Midwest Living, Country Living, Kiplinger's, Route 66 magazine. I think that's all. I'll probably drop some of them before too long. Mags are having the same problem as newspapers--if you post all of your content online for free, why would anyone subscribe to your publication? Things are definitely in a state of flux when it comes to print media right now. XOXO Beth

  2. I think more and more magazines are going to go out of business. The only magazine I get is "Entertainment Weekly." I've gotten that for years.

  3. My only subscriptions these days are Vanity Fair, Bon Appetit, Food & Wine, and Cuisine at Home. Notice a theme there?

  4. We get Entertainment Weekly and, as homo homeowners, we get This Old House magazine.

  5. I don't get anything at home anymore... except "Old House Interiors". And when it runs out, it's done. Magazines just clutter up the place.... so 80's!
    Our bar rag in Texas is called "TWiT".... This Week in Texas..... it's dreadful!!!! It's only cheesy ads for crappy bars, with tacky snaps of the "entertainment", always "cleverly" labeled "pranceurs de penis" or "danceurs de dique". Every week! Like, think up something new, at least!
    We also have a somewhat respectable monthly called "OutSmart". At least it can get car dealers, cosmetic dentists, and realtors to advertise!

  6. It's sad about magazines and newspapers but understandable. I've discontinued my subscriptions because they stacked up but do occasionally buy some because I miss them.

  7. We don't subscribe to any magazines, and never have. Neither of us are big magazine readers. Sometimes I'll pick up magazines if I know I'm going to have time to read them (vacation, etc.). But most of the time I take magazines home from my trainer's.
