
Monday, June 22, 2009

Bionic Woman Turns 60 Years Old

Lindsay Wagner, who played Jaime Sommers in The Bionic Woman back in the 1970s, turns 60 years old today. All you have to do is whisper "Happy Birthday" into the wind and Miss Sommers will hear you with her Bionic Ear. Go ahead and do it now ... I'll wait ...

I was absolutely IN-friggin-SANE for The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman when I was a kid. I don't know what it was about those shows, but I loved everything about them. Remember Andre The Giant as Bigfoot?!? Bitches, that was quality 70's television !! And who can forget the dreaded "Fembots"?...

When I was looking up stuff for this post, I found out that NBC tried to revive the Bionic Woman (without Lindsay Wagner) in 2007 - but it didn't work out. I'm glad, because Lindsay IS and WILL ALWAYS BE Jaime Sommers. And, BTW, her "Sleep Number" is 35, in case you were wondering ...


  1. I to this day have complete and total crushes on both the Bionic Woman and the Six Million Dollar Man.

    There is always talk of them being brought back, but really, can you improve perfection? No. No, you can't.

  2. I like the show when I was a kid

  3. And don't we all wonder what our sleep number is?

  4. Oh, do you remember Patrick Duffy in "Man From Atlantis?" That's who I was hot for!

  5. I totally loved Lindsay when I was a kid and so wanted to be the bionic woman and that made me want to go visit Ojai - home to Jamie Summers- don't ya know....

    She is still fabulous even though she is selling mattresses.

  6. The strike didn't help the Bionic Woman of this century. Of the two shows with British chicks playing reluctant hero - I was glad Sarah Connor didn't get cut after the first season. Unfortunately I hear it wasn't so lucky this year.

  7. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaJune 23, 2009 at 8:38 AM

    Lindsay was good as the Bionic Woman, but I've always loved her role in the movie "The Paper Chase" where she plays John Houseman's daughter.

    And hey, they may have tied to update Bionic Woman, but I hear they're having even more difficulty casting for a new Wonder Woman. Anybody who comes into THAT role has some big-ass boots (and bustier) to fill...

  8. Yet another way we are alike: I was absolutely NUTS over Steve Austin and Jamie Sommers too!!!
