
Friday, June 12, 2009

The Fashion NO

Did anyone else watch The Fashion Show last night? Is it just me, or does Isaac get douchier each week? And I'm sorry, but Johnnie (AKA "Mexican Jay") should have gone home simply for wearing that horrible "Flashdance on a Budget" outfit. Gross.

I watched TFS and Live Twatted about it on Twatter - which was fun. Maybe I'll do that again next week.

So ... what did YOU Beeyotches think?...


  1. I gave up on it a couple of weeks back.
    It's no Runway.

  2. I was splitting time with Royal Pains - Mark Feuerstein is so damn hot! - but with each passing minutte of The Fashion No I dislike Isaac more. He isn't helpful in the slightest, and is just irritating.

    The outrage last night that someone didn't understand 'B-Girl' fashion was just silly, as was the recognition that Johnnie stopped trying, but was still kept on the show.

  3. dear gawd! I was insulted that Kelly Rowland was insulted! The girl didn't understand 'b girl'. I'd never even heard the term until last night! It is not INSULTING to not know every aspect of every culture! It would have been nice to provide some more 'clues', especially to the contestants who were not raised in this country - poor Merlin. I find this 'you must know everything about our American culture' off putting. And the snideness of the judges reaction!!!
    Can you tell I got a little worked up about it?

  4. I loved when someone referenced the Flintstones.

    And I think that show had my favorite moment of the entire season so far, when Merlin won, he saw Rico and Danielle faces looking unhappy (they weren't in the top 2)and Merlin said "I see Rico's and Daniella's faces. I want to have a Polaroid. (laugh) It was delicious. It was adorable". I had to rewatch that a few times cause it was so damn funny (I can't stand Rico).

    And wtf was them going off on Angel at the end? I thought that was f'd up. If I was a designer I'd have no idea how to design something for a B-Girl.

  5. btb - I google imaged it - b girl fashion - and there is hardly anything out there. AND the one outfit I found looked like Angel's.

  6. My eyes almost rolled out of my head. I even yelled at the TV, "Fine, you don't like the outfit, MOVE ON!"

    Rico is out of control.

  7. Okay, one last comment... You will love this. Kenley is blogging over on Bravo and here is what she said about Merlin's Mean Girl -

    >>Merlin’s was a truly horrible interpretation of a mean girl. Mean girls have style! I really don’t know what the judges were thinking by choosing that as the winner. It was JCPenney. That trim and choice of fabric and color was just wrong. The pinks were clashing horribly. I don’t see any respectable woman wearing it<<

    Kenley, honey, it takes a Mean Girl to truly know Mean Girl.

  8. I don't get the point of telling the designers that they have to design and construct a "look" in 12hours. What's the point? To see how fast they can put crap together? Who wants to watch thrown-together pieces that fall apart on the runway. I never saw so much fashion trash in my life.

  9. I didn't know what a B-Girl was, either, and am still not sure. That show is so irritating in so many ways! Y'all have covered them in your comments.

    I watched Royal Pains and agree with you, Howard, about Mark Feuerstein. For that reason mostly, I'll watch the show and ditch TFS. Besides, Burn Notice, In Plain Sight, Rescue Me, and The Closer are all back.

  10. The show is ok...I DVR it and enjoy it....I am happy Merlin WAS the best part when he mentioned Danielle and Ricos faces...they both ned to take a chill pill...they designt well but personalites stink!!!

  11. I am so sick of Reco's nelly cockiness- what a bitchy queen she is! I thought Angel's whining was kind of insipid, although I didn't know what a B-girl was, either. And Kelly was just a bitch about it. And Auntie Fern Mallis acted like she was the the Queen of all B girls- oye!!
    I actually like Merlin after last night episode!
    I'm not sure who I hate more on that show- the "judges" or the contestants!
