
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Blogiversary, Kitty Bradshaw!

Please wish a Happy One Year Blogiversary to my girl Kitty Bradshaw HERE. Kitty doesn't blog as much as she used to, probably because she spends so much time on Twatter Twitter - where we have reconnected lately. But no matter what medium she is on, Kitty is FAB-YU-LUSS, trust me!!

Speaking of Twatter, I'm starting to kinda "get" the appeal of it. Yesterday when I came back from McDonald's, it was very satisfying to Twat about the McD's Counterbeeyotch who charged me 22 cents (!) for a Sweet and Sour Sauce for my fries. The incident wasn't blog-worthy, but I felt I needed to bitch to someone about it. And I'm sure my few dozen Twatter followers really appreciated my enlightening thoughts on the subject.

I am also thinking about LIVE TWATTING a TV show - maybe The Fashion NO. But I don't know how many times I could type the word "GROSS!" in one hour before getting bored. What do you think??? I wouldn't want to do it unless a bunch of you would "Twat" along with me during the show. You can follow me on Twatter HERE.

Anyway, PLEASE VISIT KITTY BRADSHAW and wish her well. One of these days, Kitty Girl, we are finally going to meet face-to-face!! XOXOXOXO


  1. OH EM GEE!!! Thank you soooooooo much!!!!! I love you David!!!! *mwahz*


  3. PLEASE darling PLEASE ~ live tweet the fashion no! no one else on twitter does so i feel so alone when i watch, LOL. just mark your tweets w/ a hashtag and you'll get a shit load of new followers from being your usual hilarious self.

  4. Kayce - I'm not trying to be funny this time ... WTF is a hashtag??

  5. polkadotoes aka rachelmed on twatter :)June 10, 2009 at 11:00 AM

    You would say something like "watch #thefashionno and I think everything is gross!", the # (hashtag) makes things easier to search as a phrase.

    Twatter is kind of addicting isn't it?
