
Friday, June 19, 2009

Making It Work In NYC

Season 7 of Project Runway reportedly began filming here in NYC this week (read more HERE). It's so nice to have you back where you belong...

H/T to New York Magazine via Blogging Project Runway.


  1. Back in NYC!? I'm thriiiilled!!! L.A.? Schmell.A.! NYC's where The Project belongs.

  2. Laura - I'll see what I can do. Parsons happens to be very near my fave Dollar Store! :)


  3. Honestly, I can't imagine PR anywhere BUT NYC. It will be 'interesting' to see the season in LA. Come on, August!!

  4. Last nite I saw Fashion Show for the first time and, maybe because I have been TeeVee machine deprived for a while, I thought it was pretty good. It is no PR, but is only the first season and I think it does show promise.

    But am looking forward to PR.

    LA is not so bad if you know where to go and you cannot beat the weather!!!....we won't talk about earthquakes! -:)

    LB anon

  5. That's great! Yes, anything you might find out, let us know! I am so ready for PR!!!!!

    Fashion Show's catch phrases are getting tired.
