
Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Hot Streak Continues...

The Best Friend and I decided to do one of our semi-annual trips out to Long Island today. I know most of you live in places where "going to the mall" is a normal occurrence, but there are no malls in Manhattan - and every once in a while I get the urge to shop in the comfort of air-conditioning and visit a food court. Especially a food court that contains the roast beefy goodness that is ARBY'S! Like malls, there are no Arby's in Manhattan.

So we bought our $14 round-trip tickets, jumped on the Long Island Railroad, and got off at the Hicksville stop about 1/2-hour later. The Arby's is in Hicksville's Broadway Mall, and my Best Friend's favorite fast food - Long John Silver's - is about 2 blocks past the mall.

I was DYING for Arby's - considering I haven't had any since December. And NO, none of the Drunken Dust Bunnies brought me any delicious roast beef when they came to visit recently (that's OK, I'm not bitter). Anywhore, we decided to hit Arby's first, shop the mall, and then head to Long John Silver's.

We arrived at the mall...

We rushed past IKEA on our way to the Food Court. Actually, I rushed - the Best Friend tried to keep up...

As we went up the escalator to the Food Court, I could ALMOST TASTE those curly fries. The last time we went I took a picture of the Arby's (below), which happens to be right at the top of the escalator...

We got to the top of the escalator ... and THIS is what I saw...

ARBY'S WAS CLOSED!!!!!!! Shut down!! Outta here!! Ixsnay on the OastBeefRay!!! "Would you like Curly Fries with that?... Well TOO BAD, because WE'RE CLOSED, BITCH!!"

Here was my reaction...

Followed by...

Followed by...

I spent fourteen dollars to go out to Long Island so I could get my Arby's on ... and there was no Arby's. Just my luck.

So we went to Long John Silver's ...

My chicken planks were cold and the counterbeeyotch was evil and stupid - needless to say, I wasn't happy. The Best Friend, on the other hand, was thrilled ...

How DARE he smile like that when I'm having a crisis?!? But I must say, he loves LJS as much as I love Arby's.

So, STILL no Arby's for me ... maybe I'll get some delicious roast beef at Christmas...


  1. The Mommie Dearest pic was perfect!

    But holy moley, what have they done with your Arby's?! I find it astounding...nay, criminal! that you do not have an Arby's close by. This is a travesty, my friend, and I suggest you start a letter-writing campaign to bring Arby's to your neighborhood. Even in our tiny city, I've got an Arby's 5 minutes away! Hey, there's your angle: Arby's discriminates against New Yorkers. Where is the love? XOXO Beth

  2. It is a conspiracy, keep moving the Arby's so that no-one knows where they are, sshhhhhhh, there goes another one - out like a light :o)

  3. OMG! As I scrolled through the post and came to the pic of the sheet rock wall, I literally gasped at it's pathetic blankness! How dare they close an Arby's!
    We should start an "Arby's Preservation Society" to ensure that no more of the important landmarks are indescriminantly closed to make way for modern, mass merchant retail!!
    As much as I enjoy visiting Manhattan, I am convinced that it is no place to make a home. The dearth of ARby's just proves my point. Here in Texas we have Arby's with little windows on the side where you can get your hands on roast beef goodness without ever getting out of the car!

  4. I so feel your pain! Wish I should ship you a combo from here.

  5. Now i know why the terror level rose to Curly Fry.

    The horror!


  6. Oh my goodness.. You poor thing.. I'm so sorry for your Arby's loss!

  7. who Is that cute Best Friend????

    dang Tranny....that's Arby's. That should be a criminal act....guess I'll have to go eat some for you, cuz LJS just doesn't compare to way, no how....


  8. lol you crack me up with your arby's cravings. i am so with you there. it's the beef & cheddars that are my weakness. when the girls and i visited busch gardens in virginia for spring break i made sure to find an arby's while we were there. but listen, did you know there is one in queens center mall? in fact, there are a few arby's in queens you should check out. you can get to the one in queens center mall's foodcourt by taking the e or f to woodhaven blvd. trust me it's worth it! bring your laptop..there's free wifi in the foodcourt too lol.

  9. Isn't there an Arby's in Brooklyn? The other boroughs?

  10. JNez & Jimmy -

    I have actually been to the one in Queens (I'm not sure if there are any in BK yet). The reason why we go all the way to Long Island is because my Best Friend can get Long John Silvers, and I USED TO be able to get Arbys.

    There are no Long John Silver's in the 5 boros of NYC anymore.


  11. I SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED bringing you some Arby's when we came to NYC, but Spouse stopped me. He said food purchased at 10am on Thurs would not last until we saw you at 9pm on Fri. :-( Sorry the Arby's in LI closed.
