
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Over 200 Followers!

This past week DavidDust reached a major milestone - surpassing 200 Followers. I really appreciate all of you for visiting, and I thank you all for your comments, emails, and friendship. Dust Bunnies are the best!

Here is something we discovered during Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend: all the Bloggers knew EXACTLY how many followers we had on our blogs. Think about it for a second - if you are a Blogger and are reading this, I would bet you also know exactly how many followers YOU have. Don't front, bitches - you KNOW you pay attention!!!

So even though some of us may try to act like our Follower count isn't that big of a deal, it IS a big deal. At least it is to me. And I appreciate each and every one of you.

If you aren't following DavidDust yet, what are you waiting for? Come join our happy family of Dust Bunnies! Just look for the "Followers" section at the top of the right side-bar.


  1. .....and I think they are having a Papi Parade to honor this occasion!!!

    Good for you I am looking for 500!!!

    Have a great day David & all....


    LB Anon

  2. Congrats, honey!! And here's to 200 more!

  3. Congratulations! It is very well deserved!

  4. Congrats on 200--that's outstanding! And yep, I know how many I've got. It's always nice to see more people join up! XO Beth

  5. Actually I honestly don't check mine. Just like I only check the site meter stats stuff about once every four months or so. Because I really do write for me and would continue to do so if no one else was reading it. But if it's important to you, then congratulations.

  6. I feel I know you since somebody owed you a follower...congratulations.

  7. You're famous! What will it be next?

    Love you! Love your followers!


  8. whoohoo :D love your site XOOX Vavi

  9. Every blogger knows how many followers they have, whether they want to admit it or not.

    I'm so jealous of your 200+...
