
Thursday, June 25, 2009


I was 15 when Thriller was released, and I can't begin to tell you how important Michael Jackson was to this "Child of the 80's". Michael was so popular that my PARENTS were fans. I remember watching the Motown 25 special on television, and getting chills when Michael Jackson performed Billie Jean. I STILL get chills...

There has been too much death today...


  1. My first album that I ever owned. Wow what a week this has been for those of us from the '80's.

  2. For part of my teenage years we lived in Northern Canada and had limited, and fuzzy access, to radio and tv. When we moved down to the states I remember listening to Michael Jackson and thought who the heck is this kid?!
    I soon found out :-)

  3. He never gave me chills...
    I was in college watching "Billie Jean" on MTV like a bajillion times a day.
    I get that he had a ENORMOUS influence on pop music, but he was never one of my faves!
    I remember when I first started in retail at Foley's, we had a STOCKROM FULL of red "Michael Jackson" jackets in the Boy's Department that were over a year old because his popularity kinda waned right after the buyer order them!

  4. Michael Jackson's videos were premiered on network television when they came out, so even though we didn't have cable in the city yet, I got to see Billie Jean and Thriller when they were brand new. I was just shocked when I found out. It's just too many deaths today.

  5. It was shocking to hear of his death. I was more into punk back then, but you just can't say no to dancing to some of his stuff now! XOXO Beth

  6. I liked his music OK, just OK, and was never a fan. I recognize his contribution to the business and appreciate that. His music isn't my type all that much. I was devastated when John Lennon was killed, though.

    I wonder what will happen to his children.

  7. I remember watching the Jackson 5 on TV in the early 70s. I got up every Sunday morning to watch their cartoon. And then Michael went solo and released Off the Wall. I played that album endlessly. And then Thriller came out. I remember sitting in my psych class senior year of high school and the teacher announcing that we would be watching a movie. He dimmed the lights and turned on the VCR. He had brought in the video of Thriller for us to watch during our 45 minute class.

    Last night someone pointed out that we wouldn't have folks like Usher and Justin Timberlake if there had been no MJ.

    And Joy, funny that you should mention Lennon. One of my friends said last night for us Gen Xers this is our Lennon, our Elvis moment.
