
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Revolution Will Be Twatted

One of the most interesting aspects of the Iranian election protests is the role that Twitter is playing. Even though internet and cell phone access have been curtailed by the Iranian government, protesters have been able to continue sharing news and information via tweeting. Twitter has been so important that the U.S. State Department asked the company to reschedule a network maintenance shutdown so the protesters could continue communicating.

There is something you can do to help the protesters. If you have a Twitter account, change your settings so that your location is TEHRAN and your time zone is GMT +3.30. The Iranian government is now monitoring Iranian tweets, but if we all become 'Iranians' it becomes much harder for security forces to figure out what's what.


  1. Will forward this to Gorilla Boy so he can inform all his minions (when he wakes up...) Maybe I should let Heidi in his room to bounce him and announce THE REVOLUTION IS ON! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!

  2. Glad you are supporting the demise of the gayless regime.

  3. Ken -

    I forgot about that!


  4. Yeah, I still crack up when I hear that bit replayed. Dude, who do you think you're kidding?!

    Isn't the whole Twitter/Twatter thing amazing? It was fascinating to see all the tweets coming out so rapidly with information. The whole world really WAS watching. It was fun to be even a tiny little part of it! XOXO Beth

  5. David & the Dust Bunnies become the new Revolutionaries!

  6. I can barely post a blog and you expect me to twit/tweet/twat? Oh my aching head!!

    BEHR HUGS!! :)

  7. This has been fascinating to see how info is getting out. One interesting piece I saw on Iran is Islamic law, prior to the revolution and the Ayatollah, declared homosexuality to be illegal...but what is really amazing, is the gov't pays for transgender surgery. WTF is that all about...confusing to me.
    LB anon

  8. It's great to know how this is playing a part in their lives. I just hope they are able to keep the lines of communication open. Thanks for the tip, DD!!
