
Friday, July 17, 2009

Breaking: Walter Cronkite Dies

The most trusted man in America, Walter Cronkite, DIED TODAY at the age of 92. "And that's the way it is"...

Farewell "Uncle Walter".


  1. I think I first saw him in 1965 when we moved to the states the first time. My favorite moment was how tickled he was when the moon landing occurred.

  2. FP, yes, to this day, WC's reaction to the moon landing still results in instant blub . . . it's perfect.

    [David, I know that Walter Cronkite, the Father of Modern News Anchorhood, has died, but please, please, please do not have Brian Williams on as a guest to bloviate about this historic moment. Is there a more insufferable, pompous, fake-everyman ass on the network news today?? I just heard him on Rachel and I wanted to barf. I cannot stand him.]
