
Monday, July 13, 2009

Bruno: What Did You Think?

I didn't see Bruno over the weekend, but I am curious to hear from those of you who did. Did you like the movie? Did you find it funny? Did you find it offensive to The Gays?

Wonder Man said on his BLOG that he liked it and thought it was funny. Joe.My.God, on the other hand, wasn't as impressed. GLAAD went so far as releasing a statement on Friday saying the film reinforced negative stereotypes and "decreases the public's comfort with gay people."

What did YOU think?...


  1. Haven't seen it, but it looks stupid and insulting to me... like a gay Zoolander. Ich. Not the slightest bit interested!

  2. It doesn't look funny to me, either. We had a friend see it, and he said the same thing Joe.My.God said: Seen the ads? Seen the movie.

  3. I've been hearing mixed. One gay friend went and said people will either hate it or love it. I doubt I would love it. Even the previews make me uncomfortable. That type of humor isn't for me.

  4. The movie was funny as hell...I saw it two times over the weekend...the first time HIGH and I literally cried in the theater. The second time, I have to keep getting up to walk because it was SOOOO funny....Crazy funny. A must see

  5. Ginger, Bob, Michael -

    I tend to agree with you all, that type of humor (done at the expense of others) isn't something I'm usually comfortable with. In fact, I couldn't even sit through the entire Borat movie.


  6. Seeing it while stoned my be the best option. I watched 5 min. of Borat and that was all I could take, so I shan't be seeing this mess.

  7. Probably won't see it till it's on DVD. I thought Borat was an uncomfortable way, but funny. I guess these types of movies strike me as making fun of the bigots and haters more than their targets. To me, it highlights their ignorance. XOXO Beth

  8. Miss Ginger Grant, Zoolander was gay. LOL

  9. I don't plan on seeing it. I haven't seen Borat either. Even as stupid as both movies look. I'm sure there would be times I would laugh. However, I just don't want to spend money watching it.

    I think people are being extra sensitive about things.

  10. It's funny and frivolous. I thought it was something different and interesting. But this is me, I like weird and crazy things.

  11. i saw the movie and it is a gay version of Borat, but with a weaker argument. in any case i had a few laughs.

  12. I've seen the movie this Sunday and let me tell that some scences were very funny but a lot of them made me feel uncomfortable. Such scences like when Bruno tried to make a sex tape with Ron Paul or when he kissed and simulated sex with Lutz in front of the MMA fighting crowd made me cringe when I was in the theater room, which was almost empty . If I was to give a grade to it, I would give a D.

  13. Im not into the whole Bruno thing at all....He is in OUT this month too and on the cover...not to sure about that move either....he gets on my not interested. in all of it...period
