
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Bastille Day!

Happy Bastille Day! I will announce the winner of the Bastille Day Giveaway tomorrow - which gives you plenty of time to enter. Go HERE and leave a comment (with your email address) for your chance to win.


  1. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaJuly 14, 2009 at 12:04 PM

    Happy Bastille Day to you, David. After work I'm off to acquire some REAL French baguettes from my local french bakers, and then settle in to watch the Tour de France. I know watching skinny cyclists is not your thing, but the consolation is very firm asses in spandex. Just hope that it rained today turning the white jerseys and shorts transparent.

    Vive la France!

  2. Hope you had a great Bastille Day :o)
