
Monday, July 20, 2009

Marky Mark Has Still Got It

Some things get better with age ... things like wisdom and fine wine just seem to improve over time. Another thing that appears to be aging quite nicely is Mark "Don't Call Me Marky Mark" Wahlberg. The picture above was taken last week of Wahlberg, 38, on the set of his new movie The Fighter. Daddy is looking GOOD.

It's hard to believe it was 17 years ago when Marky Mark took over Times Square with the enormous billboard of his "funky bunch"...


  1. It is pretty amazing. Wait, I mean.. He's AMAZING hehehe.

    I adore him. He's just such a character. Can't wait for 'The Fighter' to be finished and released. It's going to be soo awesome. Not to mention his film 'The Lovely Bones' coming this December. :)

    I hope he gets presented with an Oscar next year, or perhaps the following one.

  2. I've always loved him! And he is looking great.

  3. He's just 38? Yes, he still has it.

  4. Yep, if you've got money, there is no shortage of personal trainers, nutritionists, personal chefs, and dieticians ready to help keep you in shape.

    I'm always going to call him Marky Mark though.
