
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Music Notes With Howard - Free Gene Dante CD Download!

In his first installment of Music Notes, DavidDust Music Editor Howard blogged about Gene Dante & The Future Starlets. Thanks to Howards efforts, Gene Dante's people are now offering DavidDust readers a limited time free download of their CD (see below)! I'm assuming this is something you do with one of those fancy Ipod thingies - which continue to baffle me. Whatever happened to cassettes?...

Gene Dante & The Future Starlets - Part II - by Howard

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Great news! Seems like we aren't the only people loving on Gene Dante & the Future Starlets. They have been racking up great reviews for the release of the new CD, The Romantic Lead. The Boston Herald says ”There’s a thrill in his drama-lounge delivery, sturdy melodies and on-the-money band, capable of handling anything from punk to power pop.” The Boston Globe explains how “Dante bangs a glam gong and gets his Bowie on to cheeky, mostly marvelous effect.” lists the single A Madness To His Method as essential, going on to say "Gene Dante is not really a bitch, but he plays one on CD - as well as a number of other delectably haughty roles designed to showcase his inner (and outer) dandy."

gene dante,CD Cover

Thanks to OmniRox Entertainment and Noel at SideCho, I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of the CD. The 11 songs now on my iPod, serenading me with the bristling guitar of Purity of Intent, the relentless bass line of The Starlet Hits The Wall, or the soulful storytelling of Brian, My Darling, this is an album that keeps on giving. The searching ballad The Dreamers is sweet, but it gears back up with the driving vocals on This Is The Closing. Yes, something new each time you turn around. And don't forget Madness To His Method and C Star, whose videos you have checked out in a previous post.

Gene Dante & the Future Starlets also have some upcoming live dates. Tour Dates include the following:

07/25 Boston, MA @ Provincetown Rocks! Festival
08/26 New York, NY @ Sullivan Hall

For more info on these shows and other dates, you can go to the website or the MySpace page.

I know you are asking yourselves 'how do I get the CD?' Well, with the continued generosity of Gene Dante & the Future Starlets, OmniRox Entertainment, SideCho Media and Amie Street Music, the whole CD will be made available as a FREE download. That's right, FREE! All you have to do is click here. This is only for a limited time, so I would suggest you do it now!

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