
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

NYC Prep

Has anyone watched the heinous grossness that is NYC Prep on Bravo? As if watching entitled rich beeyotches (Real Housewives of ___fill in the blank___) wasn't enough, now we need to watch their spoiled rotten spawn?!?

Apparently I'm not the only one who's not a fan. According to SFist, The Chancellor of the Dwight School (where at least 2 of the kids attended) had to send a letter to parents reminding them that all students must...
"...maintain high ethical standards and behave, both on and off campus, in ways that reflect favorably upon the School, their families, and themselves."

Massive FAIL. Thanks Kailyn for sending me this.

In other Bravo news, there will be no Top Chef Masters tonight (it will return next week) - in its place is a new episode of The Fashion NO. Please try to contain your excitement.


  1. I still have not recovered from The Housewives!

  2. The prep school show is SO WRONG on so many levels!! Haven't watched, won't watch it. If these kids are under 18, it should be illegal for them to participate. Children should NEVER be in reality shows (and the Housewives - shame on you for involving your kids!!) Even if they are above 18 (my kids were their entire senior year) it is still wrong as they are still part of an environment with underage kids.
    Bravo has a sleazy underside where this stuff is concerned and should rethink their priorities.

  3. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no... I will not watch that show...

  4. I refuse to watch the show too. I don't have time to view a group of spoiled brats with massive psychological complexes. The previews make me sick, I can't image watching the show. I hope the ratings tank and tank fast! Bravo, what are you thinking?

  5. I love RHoNY.
    I lotahe RHoOC.
    I detest RHoA.
    I hate RHoNJ....until that whole prostituion whore table flipping episode.
    Now, every time Carlos and I dine out, I threaten to flip a table, and I will, my friends, one day, I will!

    As for the PrepMonsters?
    A simple No will suffice.

  6. i heard the prep school isn't working out as well, there's no one to swoon over, so apparently, no one is watching

  7. I tried. I wanted it to be like Gossip Girl. So not! What has happened to Bravo?

  8. The trailer ALONE for NYC Prep was so heinous I knew there was no way I would/could watch it without involuntarily vomiting.
