
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

OMG - I Can Has Cheezburger - The MusicLOL

I know many people don't like them, but I LOVE the LOLCats from I Can Has Cheezburger. So when I found out that there is an off-off-Broadway Musical ("MusicLOL") version premiering next month as part of the NYC Fringe Festival - I had to buy a ticket.

It turns out that Fringe Festival tickets are only $15 - and I Can Has Cheezburger - The MusicLOL is playing only a block away from my job. So I'll be there on Tuesday, August 18, LOLing my butt off...

For more information on I Can Has Cheezburger - The MusicLOL, visit their blog HERE.


  1. I saw that and thought - a musical? How are they doing to do that? Thank you for becoming our field reporter and finding out.

  2. awwww... this would've made my hypothetical bday trip to NYC so much better! i can haz winning lotto numberz?!? :))

  3. I want to hear all about this!

  4. I would so go to that musical! The LOL Cats rock!

  5. How on earth will they pull that off? I can hardly wait to hear from our Intrepid Reporter on the scene! (My favorites are usually the "invisible" pictures, e.g., invisible bicycle. Heehee!) XOXO

  6. i cant wait for the recap!


  7. Why, YES! Of course - it makes so much sense! :-)

    Have a tres fab time, sweetie.
