
Monday, July 13, 2009

Oscar: Circus Cat

It is a long tradition in my family to teach our cats to "sit-up" for a treat. We never call it "begging", we always call it "sitting-up" - begging is for PBS and insolvent banks. The picture above is Oscar sitting-up yesterday.

In addition to sitting-up, Oscar will also fetch certain items - much like a dog. He is especially fond of popsicle sticks - and if I'm eating a popsicle, Oscar won't leave me alone. This obsession has developed into a little game. After I finish my popsicle, I toss the stick into the kitchen and he'll bring it back to me in his mouth. Usually he'll jump onto the couch and drop the stick right beside me so I can throw it again. He could do this for HOURS.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get a picture of Oscar "fetching" yesterday - he moved too fast. But later I got a picture of Oscar laying on the kitchen floor attacking that BAD popsicle stick.

Does America's Got Talent accept kitties?...


  1. My cat Max LOVES fetch too! Her personal favorites are ear plugs. I even got her her own pack of pink foam ear plugs for her birthday because she started stealing my roommates from her bedside table! hehe

  2. You could try Letterman.

    Natasha likes to play soccer. If Boris tries to join in, she picks up the ball and walks away.

  3. OMG, he's adorable! Even though Sheeba is fixed, his biggest trick is humping the fleece throw on the couch. Today he branched out and humped a bag full of plastic grocery bags. ???? He's a strange kitty, but we love him! XOXO Beth

  4. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaJuly 13, 2009 at 4:45 PM

    My cat thinks Oscar is HOT!
    Does he answer fanmail?

  5. FYI: Oscar accepts fan mail and cans of Friskies Shredded Turkey.

    ... and popsicle sticks.


  6. Oscar is so cute !
    My boys like to play with drinking straws. They aren't interested in the stick, but Binkley will lick the popsicle if it's the ice cream kind.

  7. we call that "sitting pretty".

  8. There is always Letterman's "Stupid Pet Tricks" :o)

  9. Oscar is a very adorable boy! My kitty loves to fetch too! But she will only fetch little furry items...much like mice....her latest is one of the kids' small stuffed kittens...very cute!

    Cat nip dreams to Oscar.

  10. OMG! I wish I could have met Oscar when I was there...he can be so stuck up at times. ;)

    He is too cute for words...and I love popsicles!!!!

  11. I gotta get me a cat so I'll have some content for my blog.

  12. That is stinking adorable!

  13. i taught bad kitty to fetch with rubber bands. she will occasionally bring them to me to launch for her but has switched from bringing them back to me to leaving them in her food dish. she did, however, fetch one for mr. mischief the other night.


  14. Too cute. Our cat Kiki is just old and crotchety. If I tried to get her to fetch I would just get one of her 'Bitch please' looks. She has taken to taking the dry food out of her bowl, bringing it into the living room and depositing it on the sofa??? Not sure if she is trying to share with me or if she just wants the food close for when she wakes up from her 20hr nap.... probably the latter.

  15. my boycat does that too! maybe it's a particular speciality of black and white kittehs... :)) my cat loves paper balls and hair bands/rubber bands... if he hears me crumple paper into a ball or snap a rubber band, he translates it as play time. gets annoying only when i'm trying to get work done, LOL.

  16. Aw, I heart Oscar!! He's so cute and smart...
