
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Presents From Kailyn!

I am NOT a Monday person. I even postpone going to bed on Sunday night because I know when I'll wake up it'll be Monday morning and time to go to work.

But this week started off a little differently. Waiting for me on my desk on Monday morning was a care package from my girl Kailyn, who lives in the Bay Area. In the box she included a very sweet note, some organic Strawberry Jam, and artist-produced notecards from her recent trip to Filoli (the "Dynasty Mansion"). I was delighted to get a little breath of fresh California air on a dreary NYC Monday morning. Thanks, K!

These items were procured during her recent travels, which Kailyn blogs about (among other things) at Kailyn's Creations - take a look when you get a chance. I also recommend that you check back in a couple of weeks when The Mistress Maddie makes her first visit to Kailyn and the San Francisco area. And don't worry, if there are any earthquakes during that time, it's probably just a drunken Maddie dropping her extra-large glass of Gin!


  1. oh gurrrrrl, those two will be IMPOSSIBLE to live after their little get-together!!! Too many cock-a-tails!!! San Francisco better WATCH OUT!!!

    and isn't Kailyn just the most giving person?......

  2. That was nice of Kailyn. I went over and joined her site.

  3. Thanks for the reminder. Must get more gin.

  4. Mame- I don't even know what the hell to begin packing and how much to take! I hate to travel to heavy! I think I'll send the gin out ahead of time!

  5. Maddie, I said that I was going out for more gin. Sheesh. What do you want? The whole distillery? (David, don't answer that one.) And besides we are going to go to the land of Falconcrest. Ooo. New reminder. Let me call my dad so he can hook us up with his winery owning friends. Because that's how I roll.

  6. I LOVE your first paragraph! Love it! Can't wait to hear reports from the infamous visit! What fun they'll have!
