
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why Homosexuality Should Be Banned

I found out about this video after Boy George (yes, the Culture Club singer and my childhood idol) linked to it on Twatter Twitter.

The comments on this video's YouTube page crack me up. Apparently stoopid peoples dunno nuttin' 'bout no IRONY. Take a look ... it's really cute (and so is the guy).


  1. Quick! Somebody hide me!!! We went through six years of illegal marriage (infertility).

  2. how are you going to talk about Boy George's twitter and NOT link? shoot... i need some Boy in my life, LOL.

    and FYI ~ you should prob pimp your OWN twitter account, too. ;D

  3. It was funny. Hopefully people will understand the humor/sarcasm.

  4. I haven't looked at the comments on YouTube yet but I can just imagine. Your right, cute kid!

  5. Certainly shows how absurd the debate about gay marriage is.

  6. Stan said...

    I haven't looked at the comments on YouTube yet but I can just imagine. Your right, cute kid!

    I just went to check because I wanted to see if people got the sarcasm, and HOLY COW! He has over 10,000 comments! No way am I going to read them all, but the first page seems to indicate most people get the sarcasm and agree with what he is really saying :)

  7. I get it, but I can easily see this being shown on FOX News as an example of how today's youth are "just saying no" to the gay agenda. I think it hits really close to home as to how the majority of 'Muricans really feel. God, I wish it wasn't so cold in Canada.

  8. The kid was just kidding. He was satirizing the bigots!

  9. Quick! Hide me too! My husband is Black! OHHHH NOOOOOOO!!!!

    I love this guy by the way.....

  10. That's a great video. I'm going to add it to my Friday fragments, and give you credit, of course.
