
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another One Bites The Dust (Bunny)

Seriously Biatches, this is getting ridiculous. Maddie, Ginger and I decided to take the PATH train to the Arby's at the Newport Center Mall in New Jersey yesterday (like I did this past JUNE). And when we got to the food court, this is what I found in place of the Arby's...


Yep - it was closed. You may recall a similar thing happened to me a couple of months ago at a food court in LONG ISLAND. Seriously - this is some kind of evil plot being carried out by Curly Fry H8ters. I vow to get to the bottom of this, and expose these Evil Doers.


  1. LOL! I picture you three in your finest hats and cocktails strolling though the mall.

  2. It is a plot to deprive you of Arby's. You are being watched and they close any franchise that you find. Be careful, berry, berry careful :o)

  3. Maybe it's the entire East coast, embroiled in some sort of anti-Arby's conspiracy. Trust no one. XOXO Beth

  4. oh no! i can see if i can ship you something on dry ice????


  5. Did you, in a moment of weakness, muttered the phrase, 'Dear God, help me lose weight'? And, presto, all the Arby's on the East Coast went poof!!

  6. Expose 'em!!! Bring em all out into the open!

    you poor thing...I promise...if you ever come to Podunk, USA to visit me, we may not have an "Urges" but we DO have 2 Arby's! yes, I said TWO. sorry Tranny. :/


  7. Sad, so very very sad are these double-edged swords!

  8. When Arbys merged with Wendys earlier this year part of their restructure is closing under performing franchisees. In most cases a Franchisees own multiple locations....second wendys/arbys is pulling out of Mall and Co-Branded locations as they prepare in 2010 to co-brand the Arbys/Wendys brand

  9. Oh no! I know my friend who lives in JC will be crushed

  10. Arby's and Wendy's merging!? That's horrible!!! There's nothing good to come of that, you can be sure!
