
Friday, August 28, 2009

Project Runway Episode Two

Sorry gang, I won't be writing a recap for Episode Two - I'm still trying to get my apartment (and my liver) prepared for the arrival of Maddie and Ginger.

But I did watch the show, and I must say I wasn't sad to see Malvin go. Yes, he seemed sweet - but he also seemed a little on the pretentious side. Especially when he said things like they haven't "invented the vocabulary" to describe his designs. Mary, puh-lease.

Thoughts about last night's show?!? Feel free to discuss in the comments.

Oh, and I was TOTALLY digging the "I'm up for an ARBY'S commercial!" storyline on Models of the Runway. Lucky Biatch!


  1. I was glad to see Malvin go too...his voice got on my LAST freakin nerve. and that egg and "nest"? UGLY!!! but Sharin's dress was beautiful. I'm glad she won.

    Now Malvin can go somewhere inad invent the vocab for his fashion....and it should start with ,"looks like shit"....


  2. So when are you going to tell us the results of your recent medical checkup?

  3. I was relieved to see Malvin go. Mostly because I'm sure it's another one of those names on Maddie's list. I dare you to say Malvin this weekend.

    >P, b.

  4. Having been pregnant with twins, who weighed 7.6# and 7.10# at birth, so I was hurting (and they were three days late!), if someone would have compared me to a chicken I would have decked him.

  5. Shit, if he was gonna do it then do it up right, what happened to the FRICKIN CHICKEN LEGS!! Damn it! I wanted to see that madness.

  6. PR recaps can be found elsewhere (certainly not as entertaining as yours)....but I am looking forward to recaps and updates for DDBW Part 2......have a super time you guys.....have a drink for me...
    Hi to Mom and now, a Hug each for
    Oscar & Dusty....
    LB anon

  7. That chicken/egg outfit was horrible. I liked the top three or four and am glad whatever-her-name-is won. I can't remember their names yet except for Douchey Mitchell.

  8. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaAugust 28, 2009 at 1:51 PM

    Hey DD.
    It's nice to see that you are preparing your liver for the coming weekend. Good prep skills are what made the difference for me in college.

    As for PR, any of the bottom 3 could have went this week, although I think Ra'mon just had a bad week. I think he's got skills, as we saw last week, while Mitchell is just hopeless when it comes to his execution. Malvin just didn't get that pregnant women want people to see them as women, not just a big belly.

    But I'm getting more concerned with Christopher's choice of hats. Did you see the one he wore this week? All I could think was: "Didn't Jay wear something similar in Season 1?" Seriously, I'm from the midwest, but most of us have moved on, style-wise, from 2005. Is Christopher just from some far-far away lake that is a reservoir for outdated trends?

    I love that Tim had to tell Qrystal (or however you spell it) to chill at Mood LA. She HAS to start switching to decaf.

    Also liked the shout-out to Stella. Leathah!

    Have fun this weekend, and please post some pics of the drunken revelry!

  9. I was really surprised how well the designtestants did on the maternity challenge. All of them seemed unsure about it, but did really well, except Malvin and Mitchell. I thought the group would have a harder time than they did on last week's red carpet challenge, which left me completely uninspired.

  10. I too am glad that Malvin is gone. I literally fast forwarded through his parts because his voice was so grating (so right Beth). I thought of you with the model and Arby's commercial. So freaking funny. Have a great weekend.

  11. Glad Malvin is gone. Hopefully, Mitchell is next, but he is at least a tad bit cute, so one more wekk won't hurt. It was interesting that 3 women were the top 3, and the three [perceived] gay men were the losers.

  12. that mAlvin, phew- glad that uppity, 'i re-invented the wheel' is gone! his hair was killing me
    christopher with the 'i'm so butch' look is exhausting
    i was glad mitchell got to stay, but grrl he needs to make some clothes next week
    Tim flawless as ever

    is it just me but since ugly betty i can't think of rebecca romijn as anyhting other than a post op trans-sexual. so how did she get pregnant?

  13. Malvin's interviews kind of made me want to slit my wrists.
