
Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I keep getting comments - written in Japanese - on a post I did over the summer regarding my Mom's hand-crafted BIRDBATHS. I get two or three of these comments per month. I put the latest one into Google's Translator, and this is what it said:

"Where there is no runaway girls put up tonight, it seems the board looking for someone to play away from home. Buy you dinner or give, they'll just crash at her house is like many in her body will thank you"

The wording is always similar, but never the same. The comments are always about girls and vaguely Hookerish. At first I though it was a spam-bot - but there is NEVER a link to take you anywhere else.

I wonder what the deal is?!? Does "birdbath" mean something dirty in Japanese?!? And why would someone keep trying to put up a comment similar to this, when I've NEVER approved any of them?!?

Inquiring minds want to know!!...


  1. thats just strange. creepy too. who knew Mama Bunny's birdbaths would cause sucha reaction in someone!


  2. Hmm, odd. Looks like we've got us a new codeword, though. "I swear, that guy just makes me want to birdbath." or "I had the best birdbath of my life last night." Heehee! XOXO

  3. I think what they were trying to do was summarize the post, but they may not have understood the English well and mistranslated it. I translated birdbath with's translation service, and since it did translate as "Bathing place of a/the small bird", my guess is that you have Japanese readers who need to work on their English a little. But then again, I can read very little Japanese myself, so I'm not one to talk about working on a language.

    Just take it as an honor that someone is using your site as a way to practice reading English. :-)

  4. It's your crazy LOVA GURL! watch out she's gone Japenese on you!!! She should had gone Latina, she would had you at 'HOLA!'

  5. Sailor - I don't think it's as innocent as you think. The wording always sounds like they are talking about hookers. Bizarre.

    E.Judd - LOL!!!


  6. I got those too, it's like a Scooby Doo mystery to solve

  7. Mama Bunny sez:

    Crazy people are strangely attracted to me. I'm a psychopath magnet!


  8. That's really strange. Wish you could find out what's going on.

    Me, too, Mama Bunny.

  9. That's weird. I think it may be a conservative right wing plot!
