
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Caturday - Those Crazy Hoomans

From Awkward Family Photos.


  1. OK, I am thinking in the bottom pic, the kids parents are "tea bagging" today! To me these are a scary, scary bunch of people.

    LB anon

  2. Tee hee. I saw a woman walking her cat on a leash today. My mom made me try that with our cats when I was young. Ended up with a freaked out tabby running up a maple tree, getting covered in sap, and us trying to coax him down for hours. Ha! Oh the memories. :)

  3. Miss Thang in that first pic is a hot mess! But her pussy is beautiful!!! Are Dusty Winehouse and Oscar still getting along? Jack and Shelby are fighting for my attention ever since I got back! Dwight: I always wondered if I could walk a cat on a leash, but I've been too sheepish to try it!

  4. I like the boy on the bottom! You have guns, I have cats! cute....

  5. There's no relationship quite like that of a child and their...Uzi? Huh? XOXO Beth
