
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Don't Call Me...

I am trying to conserve my cell phone charge, since my charger is no longer usable. Therefore I'll be keeping my phone off and won't be picking up many calls until I get a new charger...

What happened, you ask? Well, I found the charger in two separate pieces - severed in the middle with teeny tiny telltale chew marks on both sides of the cord. And who, you might be wondering, would do such a thing?...



  1. and i was going to call you ho!

  2. Tugboat - Don't lie, HO!!!!


  3. "...severed in the middle with teeny tiny telltale chew marks on both sides of the cord."

    One of our cats has chewed on 4 iPhone earphones, 1 vintage phone cord and 2 laptop headphones; we now hide them all the time and all our phones are cordless.

  4. I had the same problem as TLo. My cats not only chewed through 3 different, some brand new $80 laptop plugs!!! but they also chewed through the wires for a mini christmas tree that was plugged in and lit up! How they were not electrocuted I will never know...

    Some wires I hide, some I cover in duct tape for an extra layer, some I protect heavily armed with a spray bottle on the ready :)

  5. Winston has no desire to chew on cords, thankfully. He just likes to climb back behind the PC and unplug them.

  6. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaSeptember 4, 2009 at 10:22 AM


    I had the same problem with my kitty as well, until I took a paper towel and smeared tobasco sauce all over my entertainment center cords, etc. That put a stop to kitty using my electronics as teething toys.

    Dusty is certainly living up to the second part of her name! Just don't get her hooked on the 'nip!

  7. Ever since you all got her drunk it has just been downhill. I'd save up money for rehab for Dusty Winehouse...

  8. After finding a set of earbuds in pieces, I am very careful about hiding this kind of stuff.

  9. Good thing she's so cute.

  10. This is what happens with those of us with older cats who forgot we have to child-proof the house when kittehs move in! Hide your cords! Hide them now!

    Brigit still does weird things, though. She bites paper and tears off pieces of newspaper and makes not-so "tiny telltale chew marks" on all kinds of things (books sometimes unfortunately). She's doing it right now. I'm afraid Dusty has been influenced by Brigit long distance. So far she hasn't electrocuted herself or bitten cords in two. Tabasco seems like a plan for those.

    LOL FP!!

  11. Aw, but she's so darn can you be mad at that little face? :) XOXO
