
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Glenn Beck's Idiotic Minions

Yesterday was September 12th, the day that Glenn Beck commanded his inbred hoard of Teabaggers, Birthers, and "Proud Ammurkans" to rally across the nation for his 912 Project. I'm not sure exactly what they were protesting, but the fact they are willing to heed the commands of a crazy racist like Glenn Beck speaks volumes.

Seriously, I think spell check is one of those things Conservatives really hate ... like the environment and/or black people.

This woman wants to spend my hard-earned tax dollars on CAPS for Congress! Congressmen and Senators DO NOT NEED NEW HATS!! I am a proud ANTI-HATTER!!!!...

Keeping it classy...


I am just praying that some right-wing trolls come across this post and leave hysterical comments about how they are "taking back this country!". Bonus points if they can incorporate the phrase "Obama Kool-Aid" in their rants.


  1. The picture of the fool in front of the tree - he needs two signs?

  2. I am honestly wondering where this is all going to lead. Some of the photos I saw on HuffPost were not only disgusting but, I think, really scary. Even in the worst days of GWB, like an illegal war, yes there were protests, but not depictions of him as a czar or Hitler. Glen Beck has lost a lot of sponsors in the past few weeks and I wonder how many he can hold onto after 9/12. I hope everyone is aware of who is advertising on his program and will boycott all products that help to keep him and his racist, ignorant views on air.
    LB anon

  3. A bunch of racist fucktards hiding being Glenn Beck's fat ass.

  4. The real ironic part of this whole mess in DC yesterday is that ALSO on the national mall, the yearly National Black Family Reunion Celebration was taking place.

    Needless to say there was a LOT of tension in the air and the fact that nearly ALL the tea-baggers were white wasn't lost to those attending the National Black Family Reunion, which by the way, was alot more of a diverse crowd than the tea-baggers.

    The funny thing though was that most of us were all saying the same thing, the teabaggers were silent about so many of the same issues during the previous administration, and from reading some of those signs yesterday, if it wasn't clear before it was made clear yesterday, it's not about politics, it's about race.

  5. "Politians?" "Dipers"? RMAO! You gotta wonder where they all where when Obama was elected? Did they not vote? He won anyway! Simple math: we have them outnumbered! And we are growing, and they are dying...
    Why are they wasting their time?

  6. Some of those signs are more than a little alarming. I like the misspelled ones better.

  7. You might enjoy this column:

    It talks of how for all Beck's talk about how he wants to bring back the feeling of unity in America right after 9/11, he's done nothing but sow seeds of hatred, racism, and discord. Well said.

    Oh, I hope that if some Beck supporters submit comments, you'll put them up here for us all to enjoy! :) XOXO Beth

  8. Glenn Beck is dead on. You and the crowd of illiterates who are looking for a handout at the expense of taxpayers who actually have money and paying jobs can just forget it buster. Got it? It is not going to happen! Hundreds of billions are being flushed down the drain by the government every month. Those of us with hard assets are drawing a line in the dirt. That means people are going to stop paying their taxes because paying into a black hole that only gets deeper by the hour makes no sense. This will be Obama's Waterloo.

  9. David:

    Was down there yesterday myself (wering my Obama T-shirt) with the non-spell checkers. What scared and impressed me was that the right wing machine was able to get 50,000 people (well robots, I guess) out in a weeks time. How do we counter this? I am not encouraged - I think Health Care Reform is not going to happen.


  10. Yeeeeaaaahhhh!!!!!

    We got a Troll!!! And he's getting me all hot and bothered with his talk of "Black Holes"...



  12. Dear Anonymous:

    All that bluster about how all y'all with "hard assets" are drawing a line in the dirt might have a shred of credibility if you had made a similar stink when George W. Bush was expanding the debt and leading us into the current Republican Recession.

    I guess the notion of limited government only applies when it's a Democratic administration, right?

  13. These Beck followers are almost human things - they are all examples of why inbreddng and incest is illegal

  14. it is scary to think about the silly people in our nation

  15. My church asks us to pray for our enemies - in ways to better understand them. Glenn Beck and These people are the very ones I think of as the worst enemies of this country.

  16. Glenn Beck isn't acting in a vacuum. He's part of the larger News Corp media empire. Fighting him is not enough.
