
Monday, September 7, 2009

Last Night On Television...

There was a lot happening on television last night. First of all, I checked out Big Brother - where Natalie (below) was revealed as the WORST.LIAR.EVER...

Natalie opened "Pandora's Box" for a chance to see her boyfriend (below) - who awkwardly proposed to her with a twist-tie engagement ring. "Hell Yeah", she responded - so romantical ...

But even more awkward than the "marriage proposal", was Natalie trying to lie about it afterward. FAIL. The funniest part of the whole scenario was the Big Baby, the Copycat, and this Big Roach With Spray (below) who entered the house and terrorized the other houseguests while Natalie was good-timing it with her man.

Also on last night was America's Best Dance Crew. Sadly, the fierce children of Vogue Evolution (below) were sent home. I am so upset...

Then it was time for Tool Academy. Last night was the always-amusing Fidelity episode. And OMG ... those Tools all seemed to want to come clean to their girlfriends about their whorish pasts. I have never seen so many blubbering Tools in all my life...

But then after "therapy", it was back to wrestling, fighting and acting like Tools...

The challenge this week was a cheerleading competition. During a Pep Rally, the couples had to come up with their own cheer. "Charm" and his girlfriend tried to to a spelling cheer using "INFIDELITY", but had some trouble...

WOOPS. And for the second week in a row, there was DRAMA with the losing Tool that was sent home. Last week the loser didn't want to leave. And this week, the Tool ended up dumping his girlfriend (instead of vice-versa)...

Finally there was Design Star - where the three remaining designtestants had to re-design a room in a celebrity home. Straight Antonio got Kathy Griffin, and it was so funny when Kathy figured out she somehow ended up with a straight designer.

I think Antonio ended up making it to the final three because he is so "different" (AKA straight). What did you think about last night's outcome?


  1. I actually think Antonio would be a good winner. Dan is a hottie & an excellent designer, as proved with the nursery last night. How beautiful were those boat forms on the ceiling? I love it when he is shirtless.
    It is not the straight "thing" with me for Antonio. It is that HGTV already had David & John. I like that Antonoy is "alt" & brings something very different to HGTV. I like the tats & the self confidence. He seems genuine. I loved the map in Kathy's office & his attitude towards Ms Griffin.

    Thanks to you, DD... I am now addicted to Tool Academy, to the horror of my Husband & friends. I guess that I am a total tool.

  2. Before I decide on Design Star I want to see what kind of tattoos Antonio has on his chest and back...

  3. Hey Buddy, We haven't talked in a while. I hope you're doing well. Natalie's boyfriend on Big Brother was cute. I was so glad Lonnie went home on Design Star. I really hated her. I think Antonio is going to win if he doesn't screw something up in the finale. As for Dan, HGTV already has 3 Dans on their programming. I don't think they need another shirtless guy with questionable design taste.

  4. Why the heck was Lonnie sent home over Antonio? It's obvious they want him to win. Truthfully I wouldn't watch is show. I find his "Yo yo yo! I am tough because I have tats and accent! What up?! Let me smash this table!! BAM!" schtick way more annoying than Dan's giggle they keep picking on. Plus the ONLY good thing about Antonio's room was the map. The rest of the room was way out of scale with the desks being too overpowering, the seating area and fireplace a total waste of potential and he didn't even accessorize it well or do anything innovative! Ugh I was pissed off. He may be "different" but that doesn't make him better.

    Luckily I had Tool Academy to bring it all back down. :) Some great stuff last night. I didn't feel that bad for the gf that got dumped. I mean if you really want to stay with these guys for long enough and put up with that crap you are obviously a little delusional and need a good reality check yourself. Or maybe they just need some more self esteem? Either way the show continues to deliver the goods!

  5. I hate that Natalie..She may make it to the end --but I hope they shaft the bitch and she gets NADA....I need to start watching that tool show....
