
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Last Night on TV - Melrose Place

SPOILER'S AHEAD. Did anyone watch Melrose Place last night? I thought it was OK - but I was especially excited to see Sidney (played by Laura Leighton - below) in the role of landlady at the Melrose Place apartments. Unfortunately, Sidney was floating dead in the pool within the first 15 minutes of the show...

The cast was OK (except for ASSlee Simpson, who I cannot bear to even look at), but they are certainly not as fierce as the original...

And yes, it was nice to see Michael (and Sidney in flashback) - but during those "Premiere Night Party" commercials they showed Daphne Zuniga (below). PLEASE tell me they're not bringing boring-ass "Jo" back to Melrose Place!?! Jo always looked like she was doing an impression of a sleepy Demi Moore ...

Sidney is already dead, but Jo is alive?!? That's just not fair.

I hope this new version of Melrose does well, because if it does I bet they can convince the chronically underemployed Heather Locklear to reprise her role as the fiercest Biatch in the history of the advertising industry - Amanda Woodward...

Either that, or they should let Amanda Woodward make an appearance on Mad Men...


  1. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaSeptember 9, 2009 at 8:57 AM

    DD, I have to admit that back in the day I did not watch the original MP. However, your recap took me back to overhearing the girls in the dorm chattering away about the crazy-ass plot points that show had.

    For 2 seconds, I felt like I was in college again.

    But right after that came the dread that I am now old enough to have to go through the remake!

    Shit. I'm now officially OLD.

    So, DD, I hope the new show lives up to the craziness of the original, but dear god, please don't bring back big-ass hair bands.


  2. I never watched it, so I'm out of the loop on this. I'll always read your recaps though no matter what they're about!

  3. watched the original back to back with 90210 and will watch this mess as well. Hot cast...who needs a storyline!

  4. Alnhouston -

    Hey Baby! I was just thinking about you the other day - wondering where you've been! I hadn't seen a comment from you in a while.

    As far as Melrose goes, I was CRAZY for that show back in the day, but for some reason I could never get into 90210. I am definitely looking forward to the new version of Melrose - and you are right, the cast is HOT!


  5. here in Hollywood (and the Cinema School), they believe it will barely survive a season.

  6. I used to watch the original with my friends on our Dorm Wing and loved it! Sadly, the remake makes me feel impossibly old.

  7. Now don't hate girl, but I couldn't stand the first one! And I don't think this one will even go that far. Anything with Assley Simpson is prone to fail.

  8. Yeah I thought it was just okay...
