
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Musical Papis

Every once in a while a group of "musicians" will walk onto the subway car I'm riding in and put on a short show in exchange for tips. For the most part these are either semi-homeless men singing a capella ("Under The Boardwalk" is a popular selection), or Central/South American men singing in their native Spanish while playing guitars. And I usually just ignore them and continue doing whatever it was I was doing.

But these two gentleman were a little different. First of all, they were both extremely cute - unlike most other subway musicians. Secondly, they didn't sing at all - one played guitar, the other played violin. And the third thing that set them apart was their musical selection - they played "Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson! And they were EXCELLENT.

I NEVER give money to people on the subway or street, but I couldn't help giving these two cute Papis a couple bucks for serenading me with a song from the late King of Pop. And then I snapped these fuzzy pics with my cell phone and continued my subway ride...

1 comment:

  1. why couldn't we run into something like that when I was there? dang.

    cute tho!
