
Friday, September 25, 2009

Passenger Airplane Redesign: Troop Transport

Airlines are constantly looking for ways to save money, and their latest scheme involves redesigning the layout of their airplanes. One proposal would put passengers face to face (similar to troop transport planes), allowing them to squeeze in 50% more bodies onto airplanes...

As if air travel was uncomfortable enough as it is, now I have to stare at the cranky old biatch across the aisle?!? No thank you.

Read more HERE. H/t to Towleroad.


  1. I'd rather walk, thank you very much!

  2. that is what riding a C-130 is all about ... every body would have to lock up and hook up ... and out the door!!

  3. Oh good grief. That looks ridiculous and beyond uncomfortable. At 6'1" I can never get comfortable in the current seats. I can't imagine these!!

  4. LOL at Mark's comment. Yeah, the ride isn't so bad, but debarking is a bitch!

    This has to be about the worst idea ever. A three-hour or more plane ride with no back on your seat? I'll drive. XOXO

  5. Oh well, it's a good thing I like train travel also.

  6. I'll play devil's advocate for all of your anti-social leanings. :)

    I don't think there's anything wrong with something that forces you to get to know other people. There, I said it. Maybe if people didn't hide themselves in their work, or behind newspapers, perhaps airline travel wouldn't seem as crappy and unfriendly.

    I am Boy Toy. And I like air travel. Especially when people talk. Because it makes me feel less like we're all going to die, hurtling toward the earth. :)

  7. I like it! haha It reminds me of a fashion defile

  8. That really sucks. Maybe Amtrak will expand.

    Boy Toy when I make it to a DDBW, I'll tell you some stories about conversations with weirdo seat mates on planes I've had.
