
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Someone TOTALLY Wants Me!...

I received a comment recently from "Anonymous", who sends me similar love notes from time to time. Seriously, this dude wants me BAD...

The comment below was left on my latest Project Runway recap post. Needless to say, I didn't publish it - because our love is a private and beautiful thing that should only be shared between the two of us. However, I can't keep "us" a secret anymore, and I have chosen to bring our relationship out into the light for all to see...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Project Runway Episode Three - Where's Michael Kor...":

Here you go again, with your nastiness toward talented people. Do you own a mirror? You're a huge, overweight, ugly man with bad teeth, squinty eyes, morbid addictions to a. men who will NEVER fuck you and b. food that's transparently deadly. You know nothing about fashion, as evidenced by your pictures. You're too lazy and pathetic to go to a gym or even a doctor. You should kill yourself. You're a huge ugly wart on society. Think about that and cry yourself to sleep every night as you should instead of turning on people who take care of themselves. I bet your breath stinks too.

OMG ... isn't he ADORABLE - with all his compliments and words of advice?!?

Seriously darling - stop playing hard-to-get and send me your street address. I'll come right over and give you EXACTLY what you want and deserve. Hard. Again and again and again. But remember, my dear, that true love sometimes hurts ... A LOT.

P.S. - Don't worry, I'll bring Breath Mints!!



  1. That Kenley sure is articulate, isn't she?

  2. this dirty mutherfucker clearly wants some hags and dragqueens to cut his ass...

    but on the upside: when you have haters, you know you've "made" it; that dumbass is still giving you site counts! if s/he was smart, s/he'd not come to your site ever.

    oh wait... is there any possibility this sinister hater is the infamous LADY K?!? if so, i'm not fighting w/ a drag queen ~ i like my life.

    :)))))) xoxoxoxoxoxoxxxxx david!

  3. Wow!
    Someone has anger issues.
    Someone is sad.
    Someone is lonely.
    Someone hides behind anonymous.
    Now, if only he'd send chocolates.

  4. he/she/it/they certainly does seem to hang on your every word, don't they!

  5. I love your attitude...sticks and stones. I do wonder about people though. If he hates you so much why read your stuff? Random!

  6. Hi, David,,
    I'm in France and don't follow the shows you recap. Nonteheless if I were you I would wonder which candidate of these shows read my blog (or member of their families...).

  7. JS -

    No, this guy has tried to comment before (I never publish his rants) - and not just about Project Runway. He obviously follows my blog, because he mentioned the drama I've had with depression, going to the gym, and going to the doctor. The comments I get from him are always the same - "you're fat & ugly - kill yourself - blah, blah, blah". But at least he's reading!!! :)

    Boy Toy and Kayce - you both cracked me up this morning.


  8. Wow!!! I think it is commendable you give this person space, but it is clear he or she does not read your blog often. As you clearly have done some of the things he says you should do, seeing a Dr., etc. As for fashion, how many people really know or can afford "fashion". To me this is somewhat like looking at houses that one could never afford.
    This type of rant kind of reminds me of the right wing nuts who say things that are patently false and do things that are reprehensible.
    David, just keep doing what you do and we will continue to enjoy your blog.
    LB anon
    P.S. For other readers, David DOES know who I am!!!

  9. a hard man is good to find, wait is that backwards

  10. We're so proud of you, you have arrived!

  11. Such a sweet talker. How could you stay away from such lovingly articulated charm? David, if you weren't such a terribly good sport I'd be angry at him right now, but because of you, all I can do is smile. Now I just feel terribly sad for him. David, thanks for the great post.

  12. Boy Toy - LOL!

    Honestly, this person has no sense of humor and is probably even a Republican.

    I love you just the way you are.


  13. Love how she/he/it hides behind Anonymous. Or is that a superhero name?

    Hopefully your love send in a few photos. Then you can post and we can all judge!

  14. > That Kenley sure is articulate, isn't she?<


  15. Awww, that is just so damn sweet it makes me want to puke. I can feel the love in the room, people, can't you? I'm just glad you have plenty of love to go around, David. Otherwise, the rest of us might feel lonely and left out. :( XOXO Beth

  16. oh. no. he. di'int. dirty little monkey fucker..that's what he is. he OBVIOUSLY wants you Tranny.....seriously, cuz he's trying to get a "rise" outta you....trying to make himself unforgettable.

    You know all that fucking shit is NOT true. FUCK HIM!!!! FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!

    I love ya Tranny and I got yer back.


  17. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaSeptember 8, 2009 at 11:45 AM

    Honey, you HAVE arrived if the trolls are trying to post regularly! Kudos to you!

    As for this douchenozzle's attitude: I think it's pretty much a given that he/she has a life that's 10x worse than any of the struggles you've chosen to post here. Hence, the need to pick on someone else.

    So, consider this a rite of passage, DD!


  18. Damn, anyone that would send an anonymous message is a fool and a coward. If he felt so strongly about what he thought, he should publish his name.

    This piece of garbage needs to get a life. If he doesn't like the content of your blog, he should find somewhere else to lurk.

    This guy is pathetic in every sense of the word.

  19. Dang, try keeping the PDA down to a minimum David! ;) Also, be on the lookout for flying cats! MEOOOOWWWW!!!

    haterz = FAME! congrats :)

    Anonymous, show yourself! We all could use a good love story in our lives right now.

  20. I'm getting visions of a "shotgun wedding" LOL

  21. He/She/It is obviously jealous because I know this Behr and many others want to be David Dust when we grow up!

    Behr Hugs!!

  22. Anonymous hater. Are you happy to be getting the attention you seem to crave? Crawl out of your Mama's basement, loser.

  23. I picture this "anonymous" in a ratty old T-shirt with yellow stains under the armpits, sitting at a make-shift desk made of plywood propped on trash cans, in his dark, tiny room in his parent's basement with no windows, the smell of urine wafting through the air from a backed up, leaky toilet, as he frantically types on his 15 year old computer. He's written, on a crinkled little piece of scrap paper, a list of people who's blogs he reads, funny, clever blogs that he's jealous of, that he not smart or clever enough to write himself. So he rids himself of his pathetic, sad sense of no self-worth and frustration by bashing others. Then he crys himself to sleep. We should pity him.

  24. I think I've dated him, and if I recall correctly, he broke up with me cause I couldn't stop laughing whenever he got naked. So I guessed he went home to his wife and/or mother. I guess he now has permission to use the Internet...

  25. Too cute!!! Can I host the west coast bachelorette party!! Just make sure IT don't come cause my butch girls are ready to "meet" that THING!

    Blah to him!

    DD I HEART U!!!!!!


  26. Swimorsink -

    OMG - I think I just peed myself!! I DEMAND JEWELRY!!!! :)


  27. what a sweet talkin' charmer!

  28. Who is this? Do I need to cast some spells?

  29. I knew you were into someone new when we were up there last weekend. You were just acting like you were in love!

  30. k i live about 10 hours from you and i gots a bat in my trunk.

    of all the things i hate, i hate cowards the most.

    your midwest posse's got your back, DD!


  31. Geez! 36 comments!!! I wish someone would diss me so I could get so much attention..... Not that anyone's counting!

  32. You're on your way to Stardom with a big S. You made it!!!!
    Continue the good work cause I like to read you.

  33. You handled that really well! I'm proud of you! Good ones, Boy Toy and Swimorsink!

  34. LMBFAO@ Boy Toy, Bob and SwimorSink. You get the best comments! I'm trying so hard not to be jealous.

    And by the way, we all think you're perfectly adorable.

  35. David Darling, you are one of the funniest, most clever people I know. LOVE YOU!!

  36. I think you're wonderful! Throw these comments over your shoulder like a sprinkling of salt - cause they don't matter like us....your Dust Bunnies! :)

    Snuggles & loves from the Seattle area,
