
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Southern Decadence In New Orleans

It's Southern Decadence weekend in New Orleans, and I am so sad I'm not there. When I had a little more money I used to travel to the French Quarter every year to enjoy the festivities. Activities included drinking, stalking go-go boys, drinking, falling over (seriously), drinking, slot machines at Harrah's, and more drinking. It was heaven. Oh, and apparently there's a parade but it happens during the day and I usually wasn't able to leave my hotel room until after sundown. The freaks come out at night, dontcha know.

Two lucky Dust Bunnies are representing the great BunnyNation in New Orleans this year - Ginger (above left) and Dan (right). Aren't they cute! I am so jealous I am not there. And I'm even more jealous that they've built an Arby's right on Canal Street - which of course Ginger had to remind me...

Evil! In other (random) New Orleans news, three architectural firms have put together a proposal for a floating, hurricane-proof "city-within-a-pyramid" called NOAH - New Orleans Arcology Habitat.

It would be built on the Mississippi River and would contain residences, commercial space, a school, a hospital, and three casinos! And, I'm assuming, at least one gay bar.


  1. oh hell to the NO!!! there aint NO WAY I would evah get on that big floating thing....eeeeeegad!!! no way!!!

    But dang, Ginger and Dan are cute!!!! Maybe you can go next year Tranny...but is Sounthern Decadence ready for BOTH you and Ginger???!


  2. I can't decide what I think about that floating pyramid. I do know what I think about the Decadent Dust Bunny Ginger Snaps! :-) You'll be with them next year!

  3. Who needs a gay bar when there's 3 casinos! It's all the same thing ! OR as we say in Cajun French... "Ce'st la mem chose!"

  4. That's a very intriguing structure. I'd like to learn more about it, and why it is hurricane-proof. XOXO Beth

  5. That looks like too much fun. I really must get to NOLA one of these days.

  6. wow...I live in New Orleans and have never heard about this pyramid business....the French Quarter people would never go for that

    heh....never knew about that Arby's...that's been a Wendy's since the 80s
