
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Carrie Prejean's Storm-Off FAIL

By now most of you have seen (or heard about) Carrie Nojeans and her little tiff with Larry King last night (see video above). Basically what happened was that Carrie thought Larry was being "inappropriate" for asking questions ... on the show where he ASKS QUESTIONS for an hour each night. So Carrie took off her microphone and then sat there looking completely ridic. It was, according to Dlisted, a STORM-OFF FAIL!

The twisted Queen behind Dlisted - the brilliant Michael K - thinks Carrie's poor performance last night stems from not having a "Main Gay" in her life:

There's many reasons why Carrie needs a gay in her life, but her STORM OFF FAIL really got to me. If she had a main gay by her side, he would have taught her how to storm off properly thanks to Dynasty and other prime-time soap operas. Carrie just needed to look into the camera and calmly say, "LARRY KING (dramatic pause) I will destroy YOUR (dramatic pause) LIFE." Then she should have flipped her hair, whipped off her mic in one easy swoop, gracefully slid out of her chair, hiked up her titties, thrown one last shank eye into the camera and then strutted off like there's a hard 9-inch peen waiting for her in the wings. END SCENE.

You don't fumble with your mic and awkwardly sit there with a smile like a polite 4-year-old waiting for a juice box. Embarrassing! DO IT BIG, or don't do it all.

And THAT is why I want to be Michael K when I grow up ...


  1. If you don't want the questions than don't go on the show and def don't write a book. Oh please. And if you're going to storm off then do it right. I live with teens. Take a note. Go big or stay home.

  2. I heart Michael K! I can allways count on him to make me laugh at least once a day. I watched the video earlier, one of the funniest parts was when she took off the microphone and then kept yelling that she couldn't hear him - um really?

  3. I love this video! My favorite part is Larry King yelling "Ya NEED a mic! Who are you talking to?!" hahaha too funny.

    Supposedly her publicist had cleared with Larry's peeps that he wasn't going to take any calls. Yeah right. You go on Larry King you are gonna answer callers and you are gonna answer Larry. Plus even if Larry had agreed he is freakin senile! He doesn't remember what he ate 2 minutes ago let alone a random conversation with a publicist about how you want the interview to be about how awesome you are. Storm off FAIL!

  4. I just watched this and was laughing my ass off. This child needs to stop doing publicity since she makes a bigger fool of herself with each appearance. Why go on Larry King if you're not going to take calls?

  5. Couldn't love that moment more. So glad it's caught forever!

  6. I blogged about this today, too! I said something similar, but not as eloquently--if you've got a problem with his questions, then take a stand, go, get the fuck out! She just sat there! How lame. XOXO Beth

  7. what beth said. why they hell would you go on a farqing talk show if you dont plan on answering any frickin questions????


  8. She's trying to promote her book but doesn't want anyone who doesn't pander to her like they do on Cluster Fox. She is pathetic.
