
Monday, November 9, 2009

The Lone Republican

Rep. Joseph Cao (R-LA) was the only Republican "yes" vote in the U.S. House's health care reform vote on Saturday night. And, as a result, Rep. Cao is being subjected to racist name calling (and worse) from those good, God-fearing "Christians" on the right. If you would like to thank him on his Facebook page, go HERE. I did.

Here's a little-known fact about little-ole moi - I LOVE interactive political maps. OMG - after the presidential election I spent hours on DailyKos playing with their interactive map which showed the election results. Much to my delight, the New York Times published an interactive map yesterday the the results of vote on H.R. 3962 - the health care bill. Squeeeeeee! Go HERE to see how everyone voted, district-by-district.

I bet you CAN'T WAIT, can you? I can tell...


  1. i don't think congressman cao should strain anything patting himself on the back... he acted a) at the last possible second; b) in his own political self-interest (he is a moderate republican in a district which has a democratic majority) and; c) the only reason he could get away w/ it, ideologically speaking, is b/c of the discriminatory stupak amendment. (but i have a problem w/ everyone who voted for that piece of shit, not just cao: esp the moderate "democrats" who would only vote yeah if it was included and still voted nay.)

    is cao courageous? to a certain extent, yes. does he deserve the bullshit bullying he's about to endure? absolutely not, and i in no way condone it. Should he, or olympia snowe, be exalted for using common political and fiscal sense for once? as chris rock often says, we shouldn't be rewarded for shit we're SUPPOSED to do.

    to be fair to cao and everyone else, this healthcare "reform" bill has left me a bit disillusioned. i'm not part of the group that says "well, it's a small step in the right direction." although it may be a baby's baby step, if obama and the dems had been stronger, it could've been a big boy step if the bill included a strong public option. as it stands now, this bill isn't something i'm proud of or encouraged by. but i'm interested to see what the senators do w/ it.

  2. I am a pol junkie too and from 2 of the Prog. Groups I receive email from, I sent a letter of strong disapproval that my Rep. did not vote in favor of Health Care Reform. Now, let's see if Reid, with Obama's help (come on POTUS), get it done in the Senate with NO TRIGGER. I got a laugh for myself when Joe Wilson got up to speak on Sat. and kept talking back to the TeeVee...saying "You Lie"....felt good, LOL
    LB Anon

  3. Not only does Kayce have a cool name, but left a pretty good comment!

    I thought I would have something to add ... but I really don't. Sort of entranced by the different anti-health care reform shots at the bottom of the page.

  4. Sorry but I can't be proud of anyone who voted for that bill given that it included an amendment that would make it illegal for any healthcare plan that receives federal funding to offer abortions.

  5. wha? Utah has a DEMOCRATIC rep?


  6. As I recall and I could certainly be wrong, the HCR Bill included language that would NOT permit public funding for abortions per the Hyde Amendment. I think the Stupak (or Stupid Amend.) was more a "show" vote than really changing what is already and would have continued to be law. I think they just wanted to be on record as "anti-choice"...and, I do not agree with this, but it is already law.
    LB anon
    Kayce, I also liked your comments

  7. well, I'm glad Cao is doing some good things....I wouldn't say he's the greatest....but he is a vast improvement over "Dollar" Bill Jefferson

  8. I left my words of support for him! Yay! Oh I totally love interactive maps, too. I played with the one on AOL for a long time during the election and kept coming up with Obama winning. I was happy my scenario came true. :) XOXO

  9. i don't like this bill at all. as a matter of fact, one of the most progressive members of congress voted against it (kucinich). i'm disappointed with obama, even though i know how difficult it is for him to change things. heck, i don't care for a public option, i want a single-payer system! and this bill doesn't even have a strong public option. i'm depressed i live in such a retrograde country. all i hear from the tea partiers is "fiscal responsibility, the deficit, blah blah blah blah." these are the same douchebags who voted for the war in iraq, where we sank in TRILLIONS of dollars. where's their fiscal responsibility???? what a bunch of hypocrites and losers.
